Thursday, January 30, 2014

Not yet 30

Birthday Birthday Birthday!

Today I'll eat cake (more than once), cheers with friends, eat too much dinner, sneak a few kisses from my Mr, and do my first load of laundry in my favorite present.

I feel it's a sign of the times when you are excited for a new washer and dryer on your birthday.  Haha.  I had my eye on the LG front loaders for a L O N G time.  Unfortunately the space in our laundry room is too narrow for the front loaders.  When we went shopping last weekend I fell in love with this set by LG.

The reviews are amazing and I love that all of the buttons are on the front, not the back.  I think I'll eat some cake while I watch the washer clean the first load.   A very Happy Birthday indeed :)
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

**This stayed in draft all day yesterday :(  I promised it was suppose to go up on 1/28/14**

It has been one amazing year.

January - moved from one apartment to another, new jeep, engaged, put in an offer on a house, got married, my birthday, home offer accepted

February - moved from one apartment to the in-laws house, bought a house full of furniture and appliances, moved into our own home

March - painted, repainted, cleaned, unpacked.

April - Boys trip to AZ and Girls trip to NE

May - My Mr.'s Birthday, tons of work traveling

June - Trip to Cheyenne for Frontier Days

July - Vegas Girls Trip!!!  and weddings galore

August - Glacier National Park, almost every weekend

September - Vow Renewal, family from all over visited, started bigger home remodel projects

October - First Halloween with Trick or Treaters!

November - Hosted first Thanksgiving the day after we painted the kitchen

Christmas - Decorated the house, started building our bar, kitchen backsplash, attempted to flood the house

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I have so many words to try to describe the feelings I have for you, the joy you fill me up with, the warmth that surrounds me when I'm near you.  I don't think anything will do but I Love You.  You are my best friend, my better half, my life.  I'm so proud and grateful to be your wife.  I promise to love you forever (even on the days when I'm frustrated with you).  You have my whole heart.

Our wedding day at the courthouse - 1/28/13

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Ski Weekend

I had been thinking about our MLK weekend ski trip for a MONTH.  As a type A lady, I planned out my outfits, packing organization, ski accessories, and food for weeks.  So when the weekend came?  I was more that ready.

And this is how it ended.....
(please ignore the horrible angle that creates a double chin.  Sun was wicked bright through the window)

That's correct.  I'm in a sling.  Separated shoulder and all :(

I would like to point out - I had not fallen all day.  It wasn't until the last ski lift ride of the day that the accident occurred.  (and I was not alone in the accident.  Someone, who shall remain nameless, wasn't paying attention and helped this little injury along.)

The good news?!  I get out of washing dishes for a week or so.  Bad news?  I totally suck at doing my hair.  Whomp whomp.

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Monday, January 13, 2014


I'm not a big 'Resolution' fan.  I like to call them Goals.  It's my personal opinion that Resolutions are hyped up and then exploited to become failures.

When I think about a goal, it can come at anytime of the year and last for any amount of time.  Justin and I sat down and talked about our personal goals and our family goals.

Here are my personal goals:

  • Actually use my gym membership.  I.E.  Go at least 4 times a week
  • Get up when the alarm goes off.  No more snoozing 10 times before my feet hit the floor
  • Make breakfast every morning. (which is an added bonus of making coffee for Justin every morning)
  • Keep the house "Visitor Clean" all the time.  
    • This one came about because of the home projects we've been working on.  One room is always a slight disaster until the project is complete. 
Pretty short and sweet.  Each goal has a spin off into another - but those don't need to be listed.
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Friday, January 10, 2014

Vacation Relaxing leads to.....

Stress :(

December was a whopping doozy of a month.  Deadlines were screaming at work and I was doing the job of two people.  I couldn't work 10 minutes straight without an interruption of something else being more important.  Holy mind spin people.  But a few Saturdays of quietly working made a difference and I was able to celebrate making my deadlines by taking most of the New Year week off.

Which leads me to my current dilemma.   I spent 5 days working on the house and generally relaxing with my husband.  Laundry was all clean, ironed, folded and put away.  Decorations were taken down and put in storage.  House was dusted and vacuumed!  We even put finishing touches on the new bar's counter tops and painted curtains (blog post coming soon).  Movies and Mad Men were watched and a few naps were taken :).  Now I'm back at work and it's back to deadlines, constant interruptions and needing to work a few evenings to try and play catch up.  My temper is short and I'm irritable. :(

I promise this won't last long.  The snow is beautiful outside and January has always been one of my FAVORITE months.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Introducing........The House

A good portion of my posts will be about our house.  We bought a 1970's ranch in February and have spent every month updating something :)

To introduce you.......

The house!  (with added bonus of my lovely Jeep.  I 'heart' that Jeep so much)

 Such a happy sign!!

Our Guest Bath.  Now you can see what we are working with....
(yes, that is carpet on the floor)

The kitchen.

Living Room (blurry photo courtesy of my old blackberry)

Master bedroom look towards Master bath.

Obviously not all of the house is shown.  It's a 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath 2200 sq foot home.  My favorite part?  It has two living rooms!  Or a living room and a family room.  I love that J and I can keep the TV in only one room so we can enjoy company in another.

New Year!

Happy 2014!!!


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