Monday, July 31, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up

Forest Fires have taken over our state :(

Reason # 459 why I hate living in Montana?
You only get to enjoy a few weeks of summer before the smoke rolls in and keeps you indoors.
And that's if you're lucky.

Added bonus?
We don't have A/C and it's been in the 90's for four consecutive weeks.  Normally we can open the windows at night and cool the house off.  We maintained mid 70's indoors for a few weeks, but now we can't open the windows without coughing, burning eyes, and smelling of campfire.

Fall can arrive, like yesterday.

I caved on Friday and booked us a 'Staycation' at a local hotel.  I treated #wiggydiggy to a free-for-all at the grocery store for "picnic" items.  He was most excited for his 'Minion' cupcake!  haha.
Or more accurately - the Minion icing.

Saturday morning we headed to the Fair Grounds bright and early to watch #wiggydiggy's best friend compete.

Seriously.  PeeWee Rodeo is ADORABLE.
Here he is competing in Barrel Racing.

Best Buddies!
Isn't that belt buckle the cutest thing ever?
#wiggydiggy's first horse experience.
The second he's situated on the saddle - 'I wanna go Super Fast!'

His buddy was so sweet to let #wiggydiggy ride his horse!

The rest of our weekend was spent inside, watching movies, playing ball, cleaning, and reading.
Please pray we get some rain soon. 

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Friday, July 21, 2017

5 on Friday - Progress!

The Resale Sites were a HIT!  Everything we had listed has sold!!

Sorry if you wanted the Golf Cart.

I'm super low on photos this week.  I'm working really hard at keeping my phone down during family time and so far I'm loving it.  I do miss skimming through the photos and remembering the fun times though.

Speaking of skimming.....


Have you heard about Skimm?  It's a daily email that gives you the highlights from the news the day before.  I feel like I'm out of the loop when it comes to fast hitting politics, global economics, and even pop culture.  We don't have cable and I don't browse news websites often enough (with chasing a toddler around and what not).

I love my bite sized Skimm email in the morning to keep me informed.  It's FREE!!


I did it.  I went shopping at the Nordstrom sale.  My buys:


-Not a part of the sale, but requested by my Cubs loving husband-

I've heard good things about this blazer and I couldn't pass it up.  We'll see if it's worth it.


I've listed some designer jeans on my Poshmark page!  Cleaning out our closets has been so nice, but I have so much more to post!  Lots of designer brands coming your way this weekend. :)

Happy Friday Folks!  Stop by April at Smidge of This to check out the link-up.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

#wiggydiggy says

Dear #wiggydiggy, 
Right now, your voice is the sweetest and I love hearing you tell me stories.  You also have some of the cutest phrases that I have no desire to change right now.  Maybe one day we'll correct you, but for now, we are loving your unique language.

I Can't Try! = I Can't Do It, while you are trying to do whatever it is you're complaining about
For example: shooting free throws repeatedly, but not making a basket

I Can't want it! = I Don't want it

Pipsicle = Popsicle

I Hold You = Pick me up

Sprit-lers = Sprinklers

Then you'll list the name of every machine we pass.  You LOVE Front Loader's and Digger's.

Samm-ich = Sandwich

You have your meals mixed up.  Breakfast and Lunch are Dinner.  And Dinner is Lunch.
Even though we call them the correct names - you'll correct US and tell us "No!  It's Lunch!"

ECHO! What time is it!
Sadly she never answers you, so I need to figure that out, but I love that you repeat us. :)

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Friday, July 14, 2017

5 on Friday

So....have you heard??
It was Amazon Prime Day on Tuesday and the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale started yesterday!!

No, really, I don't think I've read more than two blog posts all week that are NOT about the sales.
And I'm guilty as charged :)

Justin saw the price of the Echo and jumped at it.  Now we'll have one in our room and another one in the kitchen.  (honestly, I'm super excited about it)
We are also very boring and bought a scale.
(It's still on a great sale)
Ours broke a few months ago and keeps saying Justin and I weigh the same.

LOL for Days

As for the Anniversary sale?  I don't have a card so I'm not shopping early.  I AM browsing through to see if there's something I just cannot live without.

And on a complete opposite side of the spectrum, I think I've take three car loads full to goodwill this week.  Our guest room is full of items I need to list for sale or put in a donation pile.

I'm trying to purge and it's going VERY slowly.
Please send help.

I painted our front door a while back.

We are currently working on finding/buying new sliders and french doors for the house.  While in Home Depot, we found a few front doors that we really liked.  One was painted this beautiful navy blue.

Similar color:

I think this color may win as the new front door color!


We replaced the exterior lights on our "new" patio.
with bonus old birds nest!


We even picked up the BugZapper light bulbs, and they barely fit.  Hallelujah


This weekend consists of more Goodwill trips, listing on Buy/Sale websites and the like.
One day I'll get to enjoy my house, right?

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Monday, July 10, 2017

Weekend Happenings

We were going to have a garage sale on Saturday.

Instead, we had some friends come over Friday evening to dig through our baby items.  Their little boy is due in November and our gear was seasonably appropriate.  They ended up taking everything!!!  Super awesome, but it left us with a box of DVD's and a bag of old Halloween costumes.

Not garage sale worthy.

Instead we kept our sitter for #wiggydiggy and we cleaning the shed and garage.
Our shed used to be a music room for the previous owners.  This means it's carpeted, heated, and decorated.  We use it to store our totes, holiday decor, and extra lawn equipment.

I really regret not taking before and after photos.  We could barely walk in before.  Now everything is labeled, organized, and there is TONS of room left.

Goodwill also received a hefty donation after that project.

The biggest project in the garage was ripping up the carpet.
Oh yeah, our entire third stall was carpeted - and held down with duct tape.

It wasn't the worst idea but it was pretty gross.

Once the garage was emptied, we put down mats.  These are the indoor/outdoor workout mats you may be used to seeing in gyms.

Long story short:
Justin wanted to put them on the newly opened up patio.  I thought it would be gross because they'refoam and would trap rain water.  He ordered them anyway.
Fight ensued #marriedlife
Thankfully he agreed that they don't belong on the patio.
Found out we couldn't return them.
I'm happy they have a new home and are not blocking my guest room anymore!
Justin's happy that his garage is much nicer.

Right now the back of my Tahoe is FULL of  more items to take to Goodwill and our garage saw three garbage bags of crap disappear.

I also listed TONS on our local Buy/Sell Facebook page.

Anyone need a Golf Cart?

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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Montana Earthquake

Around 12:30 last night, a 5.8 earthquake hit Montana.

Specifically a few miles south of Lincoln, MT, which is about 50 miles from Helena.

I was already awake.  I was suffering from a migraine and had crawled into bed just seconds before it hit.

Justin was in the family room watching TV (and giving me quiet in our room while I was sick).

It's very creepy watching your house shake.  Even creepier hearing it creak and groan while the walls are moved around.

By far - the CREEPIEST part was the sound.  I never knew earthquakes sounded like that.  The best example I can think of to describe it is, the sound of a semi truck hitting the rumble strip very far away and riding it as it gets closer.

I heard and felt most of the tremors in the hours that followed (thanks migraine).  Due to the nausea I didn't fall asleep until after 3:30.  I woke when Justin and #wiggydiggy did to get ready for the day and went back to sleep when they left.  At 9:27 I woke to the four posts on our bed shaking and creaking.  So far that's been the last tremor since the initial quake.

Thankfully the only damage reported has been minor.  No deaths or injuries and our family is safe and sound.

We have quite a few more cracks in our driveway though ;)

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

4th of July

Happy 5th!  I hope you all had a wonderful 4th and survived without any burns :)

We are very very lame when it comes to the 4th.  Since #wiggydiggy goes to bed a solid 3 hours before it's really dark, we haven't done fireworks since July 2014.

And to clairfy - it's still light here after 10PM.  #joyoflivingupnorth

This year we did some yard work in the morning, took a long family nap, and played in the sprinklers.

Before dinner Justin and I tossed around the idea of setting off a few fireworks for #wiggydiggy this year.  He picked up some ground items (tanks, race cars, etc) and one fountain.

#wiggydiggy loved everything until the fountain started.  It threw up an artillery shell and we had one scared little boy :(  #wiggydiggy and I spent the rest of the evening playing inside until bedtime.

Also - God Bless sound machines!  

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