Friday, September 26, 2014

oh hey, Friday

Work has been insane this week.  Thankfully we've been motivated at home and made some Amazing Progress!!
Update post coming soon!
Sneak Peak

I am resisting buying any maternity clothes.  As much as I'd love some super cute jeans and adorable sweaters, I cannot wrap my head around spending so much money for something I can't wear again.  I'd rather buy some post-maternity clothes to celebrate the baby!

I confess I've eaten  a whole pumpkin pie over the past week.......

I broke the cardinal rule of hairdressers and box dyed my hair earlier this week.  The contrast between the blonde chunky highlights and random red streaks were just getting to me.  Clairol Natural Instincts Light Golden Brown to the rescue!
Worst iPhone Photo of the Year
I just wanted everything to blend a bit more.  You can still tell I have highlights, but they aren't so drastic and noticeable.  It's also semi-permanent, so it will wash out by the end of October.

Linking up with September F A R M!

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Front Doors

J and I love our entry way, both the exterior and interior.  What I don't love is the lack of natural light.  

We are browsing for a new door with plans to purchase and install one spring.  Here are my current loves:

All from Home Depot

I really like the 3/4 glass for the most light without going with a full glass door. We also have plans to have a storm door like we do now.

I also really like these doors because I can paint them with whatever color we choose before we install.  I'm currently painting our existing door white on the inside to brighten the entryway up some, as well as all of the current trim.  We'll replace all of the trim to match the rest of the house once the new door is in.  Two coats down.....two to go!

You can tell how dark it is in our entry way in the left picture.  That's with two lights on!

Now all I need to do is decide what exterior door color I want......

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along:  29 weeks

Baby size:  The size of a butternut squash!!  Over 15 inches and 2 1/2 pounds.

Baby's progress:  Baby's muscles and brain are growing and getting stronger!  

Weight gain:  8 pounds

Stretch marks:  Still in the clear.  Morning is Burt's Bee's Mama Bee's and evening is Burt's Bee's vitamin E oil.

Sleep:  Pretty good.  Middle of the night potty runs are hit or miss.

Gender: Check back in December!

Movement:   Baby is head down and I can feel more detailed movement.  I.E. moving their hand up by their head or rolling from side to side.

Best moment this week: The guest bath back splash arrived!!  Our guest bath will actually be DONE by the time of my baby shower.  It's the little things ;)

Looking forward to: Cooler weather next week.  I'm ready to pull out some different clothes for this bump.  Also, I'm in 2 week appointments now, so that means more time to listen to their heartbeat! 

Food cravings:  Salads.  With balsamic vinaigrette dressing and sunflower seeds.  Yum.

Belly Button - In or Out:  I'm amazed it's not fully popped!  The bottom half is trying its hardest to stay in, but it's an outie whenever I sit down.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.

Wedding Rings - On or Off:   On.

Labor signs: Nothing.  Prayers it stays this way for a bit longer.

What I miss:  Some of my clothes, a few classes at the gym, wine with dinner.

Symptoms: Baby is head down and has always been low, which means I waddle more often than not on my longer walks at work and home.

Workouts: A bit slacking here.  Walks at work have been fewer and further between with the current busy schedule and I need to pick up the weights on a more regular basis.

Things that suck:  Rhinitis of Pregnancy (or constant stuffy nose)

Things that don't suck:  Pretty much everything else!  Still feeling good and loving this stage of life.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy (belated) birthday to this awesome man

I can't wait to see what Grandpa x4 looks like on you!!
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Monday, September 22, 2014


Well, I had my 5 on Friday post all finished and ready to go........and then I never posted it.

Busy, insane work schedule for the win on that one!  Boo :(

The weekend was the weekend.  Lots of general chores (do you really want to see pictures of me doing laundry, ironing, vacuuming, scrubbing toilets, etc?  No.  Me either) with a side of football.

We did have a date night Saturday night at the Symphony.  
The Baby loves Brahms.  Danced and wiggled the entire Second Act.  It. Was. Awesome.

Sunday, the pregnancy hormones demanded that I make Chocolate No Bake Cookies.
Not the best photo, but you know, Iphone
Hormones didn't say anything about eating them though.  Justin indulged quite a bit more than I did!

Work this week is going to be insane again.  BUT!!!  We have been making some great progress on the house.  Hopefully I'll have time to sit down and put it all together for you.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

28 Weeks - Third Trimester!!

How far along:  28 weeks.  Officially in my third trimester!

Baby size:  14 1/2 inches long and about 2 1/2 pounds.  A growth spurt is about to kick in!

Baby's progress:  Baby is blinking and adjusting to light.  Brain activity is picking up.

Weight gain:  6 pounds

Stretch marks:  Still in the clear.  Morning is Burt's Bee's Mama Bee's and evening is Burt's Bee's vitamin E oil.

Sleep:  Still pretty good.  I'm able to fall back asleep quickly after my nightly potty break.

Gender: Check back in December!

Movement:   Big movements!  My belly will get lopsided when Baby decides to shove their tush up against one of my sides.  So fun to watch and so fun to feel.

Best moment this week:  I've been a sap this week, so it's hard to pick one.  It could be the naps I took over the weekend, or ordering the glider for the nursery, or the conversations Justin and I have about the baby right before bed.  I'm riding high on pregnancy 'glow' this week.

Looking forward to:  Hearing the baby's heartbeat today!!

Food cravings: It's official - I'm HUNGRY.  Food aversion is gone!  Not any specific cravings, but I just want to EAT.

Belly Button - In or Out:  The top half is out.  The bottom half is fighting the good fight.  I'm giving it another week before the whole belly button pops.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.

Wedding Rings - On or Off:   On.

Labor signs: Nothing.  Prayers it stays this way for a bit longer.

What I miss: My allergy meds!  We need a good freeze so my allergies will calm down.

Symptoms: Nothing but the bump.  I'm counting my blessings that pregnancy has been relatively easy on me so far.

Workouts: I did Body Pump over the weekend.  Not such a brilliant idea because my thighs hurt SO BAD.  I think I'll stick to weight free squats for the remainder of pregnancy.  I love my Yoga DVD.

Things that suck:  Missing fall beer during football season.

Things that don't suck:  Extra naps.  I will never complain about extra naps!  

And a fun comparison

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Life lately

It's really hard to write a Weekend Recap post when your entire weekend consisted of football, buffalo chicken dip, and naps.  This was pretty much my view for two days:
Top: Nebraska Football
Bottom: My comforter
That's what we did.  We made dip, we went to friends' houses to watch football, we ate dip, we went home and slept.  Pretty boring, pretty relaxing and pretty great :)

Saturday the first baby shower gift arrived.  However, I didn't notice it on the porch until Sunday morning.  Whoops!
Sadly Target failed at packing the baby bath items.  Boo.

Right now Justin and I are trying to finish projects around the house.  Justin is working on the new rock wall and I'm just trying to get the house put back together and bit more organized.  The piles of random stuff in cabinets is getting old.  Know what I mean?  I have a feeling our trash can will be full to the brim tonight.

Hopefully I'll have some more substantial house projects to report on soon!

P.S.  The back splash for the bathroom finally has a deliver date!  Hallelujah!!

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Oh Hey! Friday!

I've been traveling for work this week so my schedule is off.  Trying to get everything done before maternity leave is getting a bit hectic.  I'm so grateful it's the weekend!

I stayed strong and didn't buy any maternity clothes from Old Navy.  I'm thinking I'll raid the husbands clothes before I do any shopping.
But it's official, my sweaters aren't going to cut it.

Our weather forecast for this week was low 50's.  Next week is low 80's.  All I want to do is rock out my leggings and boots!  I should count my blessings the weather is as nice as it is for a long as it is.

I came to work with this lovely surprise on my desk:
I think my coworkers know me.....

Irony of all ironies.  The pregnant lady won the wine and liquor basket at the Parade of Homes VIP night.
The chocolate may or may not have made it home.....

Linking up with September F A R M!

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Thursday, September 11, 2014


In the aftermath on September 11th, my English teacher had all of us write a letter to ourselves to remind us of where we were and how we felt on that fateful day.

I've never opened the letter.  I stored it away, along with the newspapers from the following week in a box that I still haven't opened.

However, I haven't forgotten a single detail of that day.


It was Tuesday morning.  School started around 7:30 am, but I left my house around 6:40 am.  It was my first year that I didn't join the swim team and I still was in the routine of getting to school early.  I was planning on eating my breakfast and finishing some school work in my 1st period classroom.  I was blaring my DMX cd and 'rapping' like no white girl from Wyoming ever should.

When I was walking into the school I passed the food truck delivering lunch.  Their radio was on and I heard "A plane has hit the World Trade Center!".  I thought it was a book on tape - something by Tom Clancy or someone similar.  The halls were quiet as I passed by empty classrooms on my way to the second floor for American Government.  I had just set my book bag down on my desk and thought about turning the TV onto the news.  Our class watched the news every morning until the Homeroom Bell would ring.  Then my teacher came rushing in and went straight to the TV.  Both she and I stood in shock as we watched a plane hit the second building.  Smoke was billowing out of both towers and I could feel the blood run from my face.  For the next half hour, she and I stood next to each other and stared at the TV.  Other students came in, laughing and jovial from the hallways, only to fall silent at the terror from the TV screen.

At 7:30 the bell rang to start the day and our classroom was entirely quiet.  I could hear noise down the hallway - the news hadn't spread to all of the classrooms yet.  Then our TBTV (Thunderbird Television, a school production) kicked on and jolted all of us out of our stupor.

The school news wasn't delivered in same way that day.  The reporters solemnly reported that the World Trade Center had been hit.  My teacher reached up and turned the TV off.  When she turned around her face was as white as a ghost and she said, "Today will live in infamy.  This is your Pearl Harbor."  Just then the principal came over the loud speaker and said that our day would progress as normal.  We would attend our classes and continue on until we were told otherwise.  Our TV was turned back on and we watched the news for the next hour of class.  As the student body moved from 1st period classrooms to 2nd period, students were quiet and lost in their own thoughts.

Our day didn't continue as normal.  Cheyenne, WY is a military town.  Soldiers at our base are responsible for missile silos all over the Rocky Mountain Range.  Cheyenne was being shut down with the fear that it could be the target of a terrorist attack.  During second period, as our English class was discussing the events we had just witnessed, the loud speaker squawked to life again.  Our principal announced all students who live on base were to head to the cafeteria.  Then he would start announcing an order for the rest of the student body to head home for the day.

When I was able to get to my car and head home, the tears finally began to fall.  Police and military vehicles were at every exit of the school and every main intersection on the way home.  The fear was palatable in the air.  It was Tuesday, the day my dad would fly home from work in California.  Planes were hijacked on the east coast, was the west coast next?  At home my mom sent my brother and I to gas up our vehicles.  The gas stations were backed up and you could feel the tension in the air.

Cheyenne was dark and quiet that night.  The news was never turned off, our living room full of the blue light of the TV screen.  My dad was fine, but had no idea when he would make it home.  Sleep didn't come easily that night and the rest of the week was a blur.

Teachers were easy on us that week.  That Wednesday, half of our student body was at school.  My world view changed that day.  I was 16 years old and suddenly aware that the world didn't care about me.  I wasn't nearly as important as my teenage self thought.

I prayed.  Quietly, fervently, daily.  I started to pay attention and I never lost hope or faith in the United States of America.

Forever we Stand United.

God Bless the USA.
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