Friday, December 18, 2015

5 on Friday - Pre-Christmas Edition!

Life and work have been crazy busy lately.  I'm so glad that a 4.5 day holiday is coming up!

Our Christmas shopping is done (except my nieces, my husband procrastinates so I'll be picking them up this weekend), the house is *mostly* decorated and cookies are ready to be baked for the week ahead.  So the 5 things I'm looking forward to most this week?

Starbucks coffee on the regular!!  There isn't one close to my home or work, so taking that 10 minute trip out of my way is going to happen.....every day.

Our 2nd Christmas with our #wiggydiggy!  Last Christmas was the most magical.  I was holding my 3 week old love bug and nothing could top that feeling of euphoria.  This Christmas will be different, but just as wonderful.

All of my writing is FINALLY going to get caught up.  I've been squeaking out the Thank You cards in time, but the letters?  Ugh, those are sporadic at best.  Speaking of which....I need some new stationary.  Recommendations?


I'm in charge of the light dinner Christmas Eve.  Baked Hawaiian Sandwich's it is!
This year we are having a family dinner at our house on Christmas Eve after church.  Then we are going to bundle up and caravan out to look at Christmas lights :)  Our neighborhood goes all out, even puts luminaries along the street on Christmas Eve!

Spending 4 whole day with my boys.

This is all I hear all day long - Laughter.  It's the best :)

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A little cake, a little smash

I had a hard time being OK with letting #wiggydiggy have a whole cake for his birthday.  This boy eats healthier than anyone I know!  He's only had some diluted pear juice (for tummy troubles) ONCE.  No extra sugar, no sweets, nada.  Only because I want him to have the very best, and it's a great excuse for me to eat my very best too.

So a whole cake for him to smash and enjoy?

I sucked it up and let him indulge.

Joke was on me.  I did most all of the smashing in those photos.  He had two bites and lost interest.  Haha.  Dad and I loved the leftover cake!!

This boy, oh.....words cannot describe the bond we have.  'You Are My I Love You' by MaryAnn Cusimano Love does a pretty amazing job.

**All Photos courtesy of Floating Leaf Studios. **
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Monday, December 14, 2015

Whoops :/


It has been ages since I've updated you on the goings-on.  (granted, most of you saw us at Thanksgiving, so there's no surprise there)

I still need to update you on:
#wiggydiggy's Birthday!
new home projects
etc. etc.

But first..............I need to figure out how to get the photos off our NEW CAMERA!

Yay!  No more iPhone only photos.  (disclaimer: Neither of us are photographers.  So the quality may still be iffy)

That's my goal tonight - figure out the wifi feature so I can finish all of my pending posts!

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

#wiggydiggy 12 months

Happy 1st Birthday Love!!

#wiggydiggy | 12 Months

nicknames | bug, buggy, love bug, magoo, pumpkin pie, wiggydiggy

weight | 20 pounds 10 oz!  You're tall and skinny kiddo ;). 30 inches tall!

size | 18 month clothes and size 3 shoes. Size 4 isn't far off.  Size 3 diapers. 

sleep | You fall asleep between 730 and 8 PM, wake around 5 AM to have a quick nurse and fall back to sleep until 7/730 AM.  

eats | All. Of. The. Food.  You love blueberries and beans.  If either of those are offered to you, you'll skip all of the other food and eat until you cannot eat anymore.  I started a few weeks early (only because you love yogurt and cheese and haven't had any tummy issues) and began to mix whole milk into some breast milk bottles.  You've even had two entire bottle of whole milk and chugged them down.  Grow Baby Grow!

loves | Standing and faux-walking (though I have caught you taking a step or two from one toy to another).  Playing peek-a-boo, tummy tickles, 'wrestling' with Momma and Daddy

dislikes | Showing your teeth, having your nose wiped, juice, and not getting to play with our phones

firsts | Another Tooth!  We are at 6 now!  And haircuts - I've give you 13 now.  I need to take you for a 'real' one because holy moly kid, your hair grows FAST.  

Momma | All breast milk all the time has stated to taper off.   I'm not sure how longer we'll nurse since you've started taking whole milk at daycare and we are only nursing in the morning and at night.  My beautiful boy, you are such a love bug.  You are generous with your hugs and kisses and I cannot get enough of them.  You light up my life little man!

One whole year has passed since you entered this world, and I couldn't be more grateful for being blessed with such a happy, loving son.  The day you were born was the day my life truly started.  I love you.

Daddy | 

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One Year Ago Today

You were born. 

I became a Mother.

We became a Family.

Happy Birthday #wiggydiggy.  It has been the best 365 days ever.

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