Sunday, December 25, 2016
Saturday, December 24, 2016
A Christmas Tradition
*This post was left in drafts last December and I never got around to posting it.**
It's a family tradition to take photos in the Red Christmas Jammies. #wiggydiggy, you are such a ham! We love you so.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Friday, December 23, 2016
5 on Friday
Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
This week has been a rough one. #wiggydiggy was home sick Monday-Wednesday, then Justin and I came down with it (severe cold, nothing serious) and we've been limping along all week. Woof. I'm so glad that we have another week together before he goes back to school! Yay for Christmas break! (I'm sure in 5 years I'll be annoyed for a week off from school, but now I'm overjoyed)
So here we go, my top 5 items I'm loving this week before Christmas.
Humidifiers, cold meds, and Kleenex.

This week has been a rough one. #wiggydiggy was home sick Monday-Wednesday, then Justin and I came down with it (severe cold, nothing serious) and we've been limping along all week. Woof. I'm so glad that we have another week together before he goes back to school! Yay for Christmas break! (I'm sure in 5 years I'll be annoyed for a week off from school, but now I'm overjoyed)
So here we go, my top 5 items I'm loving this week before Christmas.
Humidifiers, cold meds, and Kleenex.
If you do not use Ebates, you are MISSING OUT. Here's the quick and dirty - They are a BBB rated company that PAY YOU when you online shop. How do they do it? They track deals, sales, promo codes, in one place. So when you go to their website first, and link through to a online company, you earn a percentage of your purchase.
I have used this on hotel reservations when I travel. It's amazing.
I have 100% become "that shopper". Since I was at home the beginning of this week, I walked through my house and checked my supplies. I ordered laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, facial tissue, hair spray, and even some groceries! All with EBATES and all from companies that were offering free shipping (ex. Amazon Prime, Target, etc). So I basically did all of my regular shopping and I was paid to do it. Everything has shown up already and I never had to leave my house to deal with holiday shoppers
(Also, I did all of my Black Friday shopping through EBATES when stores were offering higher cash back incentives. It's seriously a no brain-er guys.)
I have fine hair that has taken a bit of a beating since pregnancy and nursing. A bit of online searching introduced me to this awesome product. Its smells amazing and truly does give my hair a volume boost!
Nothing is better than a little pampering when you feel like crap :)
All of the extra snuggles I've been getting from my lil guy. As much as I hate that he doesn't feel well, he has been so happy and such a trooper. Snuggles from him are the very best.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 19, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Meeting Santa
Last Friday, Justin's work hosted Santa Claus for the afternoon.
Little man did SO good. He refused to sit on his lap.*
*(Which is totally fine by me because forcing a child to sit on a strange mans lap when they do not want to seems cruel and not funny at all. Seriously, stop with the crying babies on Santa's lap photos.)
*(Which is totally fine by me because forcing a child to sit on a strange mans lap when they do not want to seems cruel and not funny at all. Seriously, stop with the crying babies on Santa's lap photos.)
He walked up the Jolly Red man, shook his hand, and said hello.
When Santa asked what #wiggydiggy wanted for Christmas, he calmly answered
"A Trumpet"

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
2nd Birthday Party
The week after our 2 year old (Still in shock!) took a birthday train ride, we threw a birthday party at the Carousel in Helena.
The birthday boy had a blast with his friends and loved riding the carousel over and over again!
The birthday boy had a blast with his friends and loved riding the carousel over and over again!

Monday, December 12, 2016
Birthday Train Ride
In true last minute packing fashion, we left our camera at home. Enjoy the iPhone quality photos ;)
For #wiggydiggy's second birthday (2! he's 2!) we wanted to take him on a North Pole Adventure train ride in Lewistown, MT.
Our little boy LOVES trains and excitedly points out Santa Claus every time he spots a figure of him. We knew that a train ride WITH Santa Claus would be a huge hit for our birthday boy.
Bonus points to Mom and Dad for taking him on his actual birthday. Haha.
We stayed the night since Lewistown is about 3 hours from Helena. The Calvert Hotel is my favorite place to stay when I'm traveling through, I highly recommend it!
The next day (after a pretty crappy buffet breakfast) we headed back home. We had planned to stop in Great Falls for some shopping, but neither of us could really think of anything we needed. Maybe next time Great Falls!
For #wiggydiggy's second birthday (2! he's 2!) we wanted to take him on a North Pole Adventure train ride in Lewistown, MT.
Our little boy LOVES trains and excitedly points out Santa Claus every time he spots a figure of him. We knew that a train ride WITH Santa Claus would be a huge hit for our birthday boy.
Bonus points to Mom and Dad for taking him on his actual birthday. Haha.
Say Cheese!
I love this photo. Some Elfs came through the door and he was in AWE.
Singing Christmas carols and eating sugar cookies.
Listening to a Christmas story by Elf Bill
We stayed the night since Lewistown is about 3 hours from Helena. The Calvert Hotel is my favorite place to stay when I'm traveling through, I highly recommend it!
The next day (after a pretty crappy buffet breakfast) we headed back home. We had planned to stop in Great Falls for some shopping, but neither of us could really think of anything we needed. Maybe next time Great Falls!

Friday, December 2, 2016
#wiggydiggy | 24 Months
#wiggydiggy | 24 Months
AKA 2 years old!!
AKA 2 years old!!
nicknames | bug, baby, nugget
weight | 26 lbs and 35 inches. Long and lean :)
size | 2T clothes and size 6 shoes. Size 4 diapers/2T training diapers, 2T underwear
sleep | You like your bedtime around 745 and you wake around
630/7 for breakfast. You are taking 1 nap a day averaging an hour and half or so at
school. You will sleep up to 3 hours at home. Thank you, thank you,
thank you for loving sleep as much as me :)
eats | It's
getting a little more hit and miss with certain foods. One day you love it, the next....not so much. You still eat well, and we make sure to fill in any missing food with a Plum Organics pouch. You know where they are in the pantry and have attempted to climb up to get them. You love when we juice with dinner and ask for it as soon as we get home. I've caught you sneaking bites of apples from the fruit bowl! Some days we joke you have two hollow legs and arms because of how much you are eating.
loves | anything with wheels, balls - especially footballs, bubbles, and applesauce. You are obsessed with (football) helmets so you wear your bike helmet every evening when you play. Catch is your favorite game. You LOVE trains. We cannot wait to take you on the Polar Express on your birthday! If it was up to you, you would play in water all day long. You love washing dishes and making bubbles.
dislikes | Not getting to go outside and taking your shoes off. Stopping playing to go take baths. Being over tired or hungry.
firsts | We are still working on potty training. You love telling us you have to go potty. Over Thanksgiving, we did the three day method, and you did SO good. I'm thinking we'll move up to underwear full time at Christmas! You tell everyone you are 'ONE' and hold one finger up. It's the cutest thing, but now I need to help you remember you are 'TWO'. You count to 10, sing your version of Happy Birthday, and say half the letters of the alphabet. You know the differences in sports balls and know quite a few shapes. Your vocabulary is outstanding and you speak whole sentences. My personal favorites 'Bye-bye Mama, see you later. Love you!' and "Mama! You pick me up! We go home now."
Mama | How is it 2 years already?! Time does fly the older you get. You are the absolute sweetest, with big hugs and extra kisses. I love you so much baby. You are so happy and generally laid back. I cannot wait to see how you will grow and flourish over the next year, but please please please slow down time. I wish we could stop time and spend extra time together today. Happy Birthday bug.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Whole30 Juicing
Juicing isn't exactly encouraged on the Whole30 regimen. However, our little man LOVES his homemade juice with dinner and I love knowing that I can get a few more vegetables into our diet than we would otherwise.
I don't use the juice as a meal replacement only as a supplement. I also make sure half of the juice is vegetables so the sugar isn't taking over.
Our standard juice is:
Kale/spinach blend
1/2 - 1 Cucumber
3 Celery
3 Carrots
1-2 Apple
1 Orange
1/4 Pineapple
This makes enough for all three of us....for now. #wiggydiggy drinks as much as Justin and I do!
When we start Whole30 in January, I'm going to keep juicing in our routine because it's incorporated into our dinner, not replacing it. Any way I can sneak extra vegetables into #wiggydiggy and Justin, is a good thing!
Some fruits and vegetables I'm looking forward to mixing in:
Beet Root
Swiss Chard
Another benefit of juicing - it's helping me kick my caffeine cravings. Once we started juicing regularly, I wasn't needing a latte as often. I'm trying hard to cut back so that I'll be coffee free starting in 2017.

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