Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Birthday Wish List

Seeing as how yesterday was my birthday, it only makes sense that I post my wish list now.

Really though, I'm a frugal shopper.  I prefer to scour for deals before taking the plunge on a purchase.
I also prefer to buy quality that will last a long time.
I can see the value of high dollar yoga pants when I'm still wearing a pair 5 years later and they look brand new.

High Time 7/8 Pant

image from Pinterest

I do my own nails most of the time, but I would love a good manicure to set me up for the next few months.

A new baseball cap
My white one has seen better days, and it's been cleaned many, many times.

As usual, my husband hit it out of the ballpark and checked most of my items off my list yesterday, so these are the only ones that remain.

I'm most in love with my casserole case and immersion blender.  Heart eyes for days!

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Monday, January 30, 2017

This Weekend

This weekend we celebrated 4 wonderful years of married life together.

Friday night we went Night Skiing.

Saturday Day we brought #wiggydiggy up to the ski hill to try on skiis for the first time.

Saturday night we were supposed to have my Birthday dinner with some friends, but three sitters fell through, so we called it and spent the evening grocery shopping and eating pizza!

Sunday we loaded up and headed to Bozeman for some Museum of the Rockies fun.

And Sunday evening I baked my traditional birthday cake.  Only this year it's cupcakes.  Our lil guy LOVES cupcakes and I love watching him eat them :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Whole 30 Update

We are more than halfway through January and I thought I'd give you a quick update on our Whole30 progress.

Uh.....not the best.

The first week of January was a joke.  My fridge was PACKED full of leftovers from hosting Christmas and tailgating snacks for football.

Do you know how hard it is for me to just throw food away?  Didn't happen.  Instead we ate Whole30 for breakfast and lunch and then ate leftovers at dinner.  We made it through cleaning out the fridge and we've been doing much better (minus my coffee)  I really need to kick that habit.

My favorite dinner:
I'm not a food blogger.  Sorry.
Grilled chicken and onions with a side of avocado or roasted cauliflower.

Justin and I decided to continue into February!  Yay!
I'm getting back into making smoothies in the morning, but I'm in need of suggestions on what to replace my Greek yogurt with.  Ideas?

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Monday, January 23, 2017

Weekend WrapUp

As SOON as the lil bug is over an illness, he gets hit again. :(  This winter has been hard on #wiggydiggy and I feel like he just can't catch a break.   His daycare has Influenza, Croup, and Strep going through right now.  He was sent home early on Thursday with a bad cough and fever so I called the Dr. right away.  After weeks of illness, it was time for a booster to help get him over this latest round.  The nasty cough called for breathing treatments and we saw an improvement almost right away.  Thank you modern medicine!

Onto happier news...
This weekend was relaxing with an capital R.  Justin went skiing on Saturday so #wiggydiggy and I had a day date with one of my friends; 'Auntie Cole'.  A bit of shopping turned into dinner and a few hours of conversation that evening.

Lil bug loves wearing his sunglasses now

Sunday was donuts for breakfast and pajamas all day.  With his cough still sounding horrible, we decided to stay home from church to avoid sharing any germs. #yourewelcome

We woke up to some more snow this morning.  Fingers crossed it snows a bit more before I can hit he slopes this weekend!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Life Tidbits

Our house was hit by a stomach bug RIGHT after potty training.  That threw a wrinkle in things, but we are on the other side and back to being accident free!

My parents visited over the long weekend.  We celebrated Christmas and my birthday while they were here.  We have to squeeze in a much time as we can!  I'm already planning a road trip with my lil guy in May while Daddy is traveling.  Yay!
Watching his favorite show (Super Why) with MeMaw

My mom gifted me a gift card to TJ Maxx and I did what any self respecting 30+ year old would do......I bought kitchen organization items.  HAHA.
I'm still giddy over my drawer organizers.  It's the small things, right?

On the frivolous side, she also gave me this beautiful Michael Kors purse.  The fabric is perfect for this time of year.  Melting snow is sloppy and this wipes off like a breeze.

The big bummer during their visit was that the Cowboys lost :(  Sob Sob.

On a cute note - #wiggydiggy had the HARDEST time saying Grandma and Papa last year.  He came up with PePaw and MeMaw all on his own and they are the cutest nicknames for my parents.  Hearing him sadly ask for PePaw Monday after school was both heart breaking and so Dang Cute!  It will be a sad day when he outgrows those cute nicknames.

I'm knee deep in scrubbing the house. #killthegerms  Thankfully we are finally going to be above negative temps for a few days and I can open the windows for fresh air.  I'm very jealous of everyone living south of Montana right now.  So. Very. Jealous.

I hope everyone's 2017 has been going well!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Christmas 2016 Recap

Santa was so good to #wiggydiggy this year.  He brought him a "Kitchen Helper" stool!

This boy LOVES to help me in the kitchen (especially washing dishes) and now he always be a part of the action.

We celebrated Christmas with the cousins on Christmas Eve.  #wiggydiggy received the trumpet he asked Santa for!  Icing on the cake - he got his own Dump Truck.

Heart eyes for days from this boy.  He LOVES dump trucks.

We didn't open all of his gifts on Christmas Eve.  He stopped to play with each one as it was opened and we didn't want to interrupt his fun.  We brought the gifts home and let him tear them open Christmas Day.  

The day after Christmas we went sledding.  He was so excited to be pulled in the sled until we climbed the hill.  He was quiet on his first ride (and fall) down the hill, quiet on the walk up, and then fought sitting in the sled again.  He loved the ride down but by the time I walked to the bottom he was all tears and screams.

But he asked to go again as soon as we got home.  Haha!
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Monday, January 9, 2017

A Few Thoughts on Motherhood

I can't believe that we act like this is a NEW thing.  It's only more wide-spread because of social media.

I do believe "Breast is Best"
World Health Organization
International Breastfeeding Journal
Milky Way Documentary

I think the US consumerism had twisted mothers thoughts so that they will give artificial and man-made products to children when they are literally DESIGNED to feed their own children.
I mean - there's a reason we don't give infants under 6 months water and under 12 months cows milk.

I won't judge you for feeding your kid however you choose.
You do you.
I'll do me.

Do I care if you "extend breastfeeding" to 2 years, 3 years, 4 years?

I have opinions about screen time, bedtimes, routines, and discipline.
No two families are the same, no two children are the same, and I honestly don't care what you do.*  I just care what we do in our home.
*As long as child abuse isn't taking place.  Then I care and I'm REALLY angry.*

Can we talk about this whole concept of "Mommy Martyrdom"

You are NOT the first mom who's nights been interrupted from a kid.

Same with parenting styles, kid behaviors, and eating habits.
I swear, this social media culture had moms obsessed with being the very best all the time.
THEN, if you aren't, you're allowed to sit on the couch, drink a bottle of wine, ignore your kids, and bitch on social media about how being a "bad mom" is a good thing.


I understand 'bad days'.  Trust me, I really do.
But you know what?  I'm never going to brag about how I am a 'bad mom' and I should be celebrated for being a 'bad mom'.
Because I refuse to be a 'bad mom'.
NO.  What I am is a mom who is learning as my son is learning and growing as well.  We are going to take a breath, sit down and try again.  My son deserves better that what social media dictates.

So should your kid.
And I don't care how many kids you have.

When you become a mom - that's a 24/7/365 job.
Own it.

Now pictures of puppies
(I'm off my soap box now)

*Comments turned off because everyone has their own opinion.  If I've said it once, I've said it 100 times.  
You do you.  I'll do me.*
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Friday, January 6, 2017

5 on Friday

Potty training has been all consuming over the past few weeks.
Which is ironic considering that #wiggydiggy is doing AWESOME.  Seriously.  #undiesallday

*WARNING.  All Potty Talk in this post*

Here are our favorite products:

This was the ONLY potty he would go on until he went back to school after Christmas break.
Now he asks for Big Potty every time.  Haha
This will be perfect to keep in the Tahoe when we travel.


This item was bought at Target in a last minute run when we started potty training.  Amazon has it cheaper (free shipping with Prime!)  Make sure you get the one for your toilet - round or elongated.
I also bought a step stool from Target, but our lil guy hasn't used it yet.


He gets one every time he goes potty!
I'm the mean mom that never lets my kid have candy.  Ever.  So this bribe works awesome for us.

We don't use this every time we go out, but the times we do, I'm so glad we have it!  Our lil guy has a tiny tush and I HATE him holding onto the toilet lids.  Problem solved.


I bought a few different brands and hands down Carters are the softest and fit the best.  He loves wearing his 'e-helmets' and gets so excited to put them on in the morning.

Which reminds me - I need to check sales for more pairs!
Happy Friday folks!

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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Welcome 2017!

Having an extended break has been wonderful.  Five whole days, two weeks in a row, with my boys made for a magical holiday season.

We also potty trained and did a lot of "spring" cleaning.  So it wasn't totally vegging and relaxing!

Family Goals for 2017

  • Eat better, move more, drink more water
  • Check off our financial goals!  We made HUGE progress last year, that we are a year ahead of schedule.
  • Garage sale this spring to clean house.

Personal Goals for 2017

  • Cut back on shopping.
  • *This is really a "first world problem"  Besides a new swimsuit - there is nothing I NEED.  I have more than enough clothes to last another year.  Maybe even two years!  I will only buy clothes if they are replacing an item that is being trashed.*
  • Work out more.
  • Spend more time making memories with #wiggydiggy

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