Friday, November 8, 2019

October Recap

Life is getting busier and it's hard to find time to catch you up!

October sped by and I still can't believe it's November.  I am SO excited for Thanksgiving, but honestly I'm stressed out how I'll coordinate it all.  I'll be in Chicago the entire week prior. 

But let's recap, shall we?


#wiggydiggy was Ironman and #biggywigs was The Hulk.  At the last minute before Trick or Treating, #wiggydiggy put his Ant Man costume on.
We Trick or Treated at my work, Justin's work and a nursing home next to my office.  After dinner  Justin took #wiggydiggy down the block.  Just like last year, he was more excited to hand out candy than collect it :)

Pumpkin Carving

Ha!  I love his smile.  Haha.

I Chopped My Hair

8 inches shorter.  Which, is maybe 1-2 inches shorter than I wish it was now.  I can't throw it up into a bun anymore!  Haha.  I love the short length, but yes, miss my bun just as much.  Fingers crossed I'm back to bun length by Christmas.

Girls Weekend

We caught a Montana State football game....and this is the only appropriate photo I can show you.

The last nice weekend of the year

It's cold and snowy now.  With more snow on the way.  Hi Winter!