Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Resolutions

At 12:01 AM on 1/1/2014, I told J my only resolution that year was to make him a Daddy by the end of the year.

A few months earlier, in October of 2013, we had found out we were pregnant.  Only a few short weeks later at my first ultrasound, we found out that the baby was not forming correctly and they did not have a heartbeat.  We were devastated.  The holidays were a bit harder that year with my body dealing with the miscarriage and hormones.  Our amazing Dr advised us to wait at least three months before trying again, and it took my body that long to get back into a normal cycle.

New Years Day 2014 was FULL of hope and excitement that an entire year stretched out before us to start our family.

Being completely honest here, I also wanted to have my first child before I was 30.  I turn 30 this month, on January 30th.  So each month that passed at the beginning of 2014 was nerve-wracking.  The very last month that would bring us a 2014 baby was the most stressful.  It turned into the most joyous.

That positive pregnancy test at 6:00 in the morning was the best way to wake up :)

Now, for 2015, I'm having a hard time with my resolutions.  Last year was the first year I actually kept one!  And talk about keeping the best one ever!!

In 2015 I resolve to:

Embrace my new role as 'Momma' and keep my family my priority
Focus on my health and body
Learn to let it go

Happy New Year!!
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