Tuesday, April 7, 2015

24 Hours

5:30 AM
The alarm goes off and I reluctantly get out of bed.  I've turned our guest bathroom into my own bathroom to keep the noise level down in the master bedroom since #wiggydiggy is sleeping in his Pack N Play next to our bed.  After my shower I always have hot lemon water to kick start my day.

6:50 AM
I wake up #wiggydiggy to nurse.

7:20 AM
Out the door for work!  I eat my second breakfast at work - oatmeal and a bottle of water.

8:00 AM
Justin calls to let me know how drop off went.  I love knowing that #wiggydiggy is right across the street and I can see him anytime I want.

9:30 AM
Pumping session in my office.  I'm so grateful to work for a great company that encourages me to pump.

11:55 AM
Head across the street to nurse #wiggydiggy and rock him to sleep for his afternoon nap.
Snuggles from this lil guy at lunch are the highlight of my day.

2:30 PM
Pumping session.
I still can't believe I pump enough milk in two sessions to give #wiggydiggy three bottles for daycare.  That's more than he eats each day!  Our deep freezer is slowly running out of room.

4:00 PM
Leave work!!  I head across the street to pick up my favorite guy and head home.

4:15 PM
Lil man gets his Cetaphil bath and lotion massage before we snuggle and nurse.

5:00 PM
Justin usually is home around now.  #wiggydiggy normally takes a cat nap so I'm free to make dinner.  While we eat Justin and I catch up on our day.

6:00 PM
Family Play time!!  We do some tummy time, read a few books and play with his toys before heading to bed.

7:30 PM
Our evening routine for bed is my favorite part of the day.  #wiggydiggyand I lay in bed with the lights down low and he nurses until he's about to fall asleep.  Then I snuggle him until he's down for the night.

8:30 PM
I try to get everything done I need to before heading to bed myself.  I like to be asleep by 830, but sometimes I run out of time to get pump parts washed and prepped for the morning.

2:00 AM (ish)
#wiggydiggy fusses and wakes me up.  I nurse and then we both head back to sleep.
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  1. Sounds like a great day. Has to be awesome to have him right across the street from you!

    1. I wish I could bring him to work with me. I miss him terribly throughout the day. But being across the street is the next best thing. (And he's the only baby there, so he's spoiled ;) )
