Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Fitness

November is fast approaching and to gear up for the upcoming holidays, my girl friend and I are challenging each other to a month long fitness challenge.

In addition to the challenge, I've come up with a few more healthy changes I want to focus on in November.  In September, she and I did the squat challenge (and I really saw a difference at the end of the month!) so I'm super excited to start a new one.

Join us!!


Drink more water.  I'm challenging myself to drink nine 8oz glasses of water a day.

Bring back the vitamins!

Since I've been traveling so much, I keep forgetting to stay on top of my vitamins.  I'm challenging myself to go the full month without missing a day.

Breakfast every day

And coffee does not count! :(  I make sure #wiggydiggy has a homemade breakfast every day - why don't I do that for myself?

Start on T-25!

Justin and I purchased T-25 a few months ago and made it through week 1.  My goal is to start November 1st and go through the whole program (through the holidays!)

Linking up!!
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Monday, October 26, 2015

One Rough Weekend

#wiggydiggy was sick early in the morning on Thursday.
However, no fever, no other symptoms (minus a stuffy nose) I assumed he was sick from a tummy full of mucus.

Thursday morning, we agreed that he could go to daycare since he was his normal happy self.
As J pulled into the parking lot, lil man was sick all over himself again :(

So Mama stayed home to love on him all Thursday and Daddy stayed home to love on him on Friday.

He was tired and extra cuddly, but that was it!  No other sickness, no other symptoms and totally happy!

Friday when I got home from work in the early afternoon, J ran to his office with plans to work for a few hours to catch up.  Within 30 minutes I was texting him, begging him to come home ASAP.  I was sick :(

By 7PM that night, so was J.

Part the clouds, let the light shine through, Mother In Law to the rescue!  I called her at 9PM when I realized that there was no way J and I were going to be able to take care of #wiggydiggy if we couldn't even take care of our selves.

At 3AM, while we were in the throes of yuck, she rocked lil man back to sleep and made sure that we were resting.

Saturday was spent in pajamas and napping on and off (all three of us).  Sunday was much better.  We decided against church (no need to get a whole congregation sick) and listened to a sermon online.  By 1 we finally were up and moving around.

Feeling so much better......we started a new house project!

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Fall Weekend

The weather this weekend was gorgeous.  We took advantage of the Helena Fall Fest and took #wiggydiggy downtown to pick out his pumpkin.  (I'm spoiled and used to Lincoln, NE pumpkin patches - Vala's and Roca Berry anyone?  I don't think there is anything similar in Montana.)

Lil man loved playing with the pumpkins and leaves!

Every holiday is exponentially more exciting than the year before.  Even though lil man wasn't big enough to participate in anything but the pumpkin patch, we could see the future laid out before us.  Time can take his sweet time passing by though, I don't want to miss any moment between now and then.

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Rent the Runway Date Night

It is rare for J and I to have a date night these days.  Not because we don't want to, but because we'd much rather be at home with our lil man :).  Since #wiggydiggy goes to bed before 8, J and I are able to have alone time before I head to bed.  However, we were given the opportunity to attend the Gala Fundraiser hosted by the hospital and I couldn't say no.  A chance to wear a pretty dress?!  Talk to a room full of adults with a glass of wine in my hand?!  YES PLEASE!!

Then I immediately panicked.  The event was black tie and I have nothing appropriate in my closet.  Enter.......dun dun dun...Rent the Runway!

OK, not really that exciting.  They've been around for quite a while and many bloggers have sung their praises.  I was just really excited to try them out for myself!  

And because who doesn't want to eat stars?

The night was wonderful, the dress was stunning and we are old and headed home at 9 PM.   

Have you ever tried Rent the Runway?
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

#wiggydiggy 10 Months

#wiggydiggy | 10 MONTHS

nicknames | bug, lil man, buggy, magoo

weight |  right around 20 pounds and right around 30 inches!  We won't have "official" measurements until 12 months. 

size | 12 months with a few 18 month pieces. Size 3 diapers (which I think you'll be in for a few more months) 

sleep |  Still a fantastic sleeper!  You sleep through the night and take 1-2 naps totaling 3 hours a day.

eats | Pretty much everything you are offered.  We also nurse about 4 times a day.  Over the month you've dropped a morning nurse session and I think you may be dropping your afternoon one too.  You are finally dipping into the freezer stash, but I'm positive that you are going to continue to receive breast milk past 1 year old.

loves | your stuffed animals!!  You just discovered playing with them, so we took you out and let you pick a new stuffed animal.  Also, you LOVE bath time.
You scratched your nose a good one yesterday. Ouch. 

dislikes | Waiting on food, dirty diapers, getting out of the bath

firsts |  Saying 'Dada'!  You now recognize that I'm 'Mama' and will jabber it whenever you are upset or as soon as you see me.  You've also started whining when I'm out of sight.  You're other top tooth has broke through!  Also, you stand and walk on everything!

Momma | You are the sunshine in my life lil man.  You are such an uplifting presence, with your permanent smile and relaxed attitude.  I have been traveling so much for work, that I've missed  being with you.  Knowing I get to come home to your smiles, sloppy kisses and big hugs, get me through the days when I'm on the road.  We are so lucky to have you.  Every month with you is the best one yet.

Daddy | I love you more and more each day. You are standing on your own now! You are crawling around everywhere and are a busy little bee!  I enjoy our time together when Mom is gone. You are a great little eater.  Mr Bear is your new best friend. 

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