Monday, March 28, 2016


Our weekend was stuck indoors under a self imposed quarantine.  #wiggydiggy had Influenza A, and I refused to share those germs with anyone.

While we missed out on Easter festivities, we did clean the house, make cookies and brownies, and take copious amounts of naps.  Naps F.O.R.E.V.E.R.

While schlepping totes to our shed, J came back with the Radio Flyer!  We took a half hour walk after lunch on Sunday to get some fresh air and stretch our legs.

A trip around the block and we were back home.  Just in time for #wiggydiggy to nap and Mama to get a well deserved glass of wine and West Wing.  #winning.

Also - Dove Chocolates.  Easter candy for the win.

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Friday, March 25, 2016

5 on Friday

4 things I'm loving and 1 I'm not.

For starters:
PONDS Cold Cream Cleanser, 9.5-oz. Jars
Yes, I know, this is what your grandmother used.  However, it's SO DRY here in Montana. My skin has been hurting all winter and after a facial that felt like angels singing, I asked a few key questions and bought myself cold cream.

1 week in and HALLELUJAH!  My skin doesn't hurt, it actually feels moisturized for the first time in months, and I'm hooked.

Let's clean out the closets and make some money!  WOO!

Homemade Latte's
because spending $4 every day for heaven on earth is ridiculous.

I am not a black coffee fan (sugary syrup is where it's at) and I no longer drink soda or redbull, so caffeine in coffee form is a must.
My key to getting the necessary froth?  This fun tool:

Easter Candy

#wiggydiggy doesn't eat candy yet, so it's ALL MINE.  (Insert evil laugh here)

And what I'm NOT loving?
#wiggydiggy has influenza A.  We thought it was a cold until the fever lasted three days.  He's so stinking happy, playful and generally good spirited, that even our Dr was surprised when the positive came back.   Every classroom at daycare has been hit so it was only a matter of time.

We kept him home while he had a fever and it looks like Easter will be a family only this weekend too.  I'm very thankful that he's weathering the illness so well as well as being young enough to not know what he's missing.

I'm bummed we aren't going to take him to his first Easter egg hunt this year, but I'd rather us stay secluded and keeping our germs to ourselves.
Cheers with tamiful!

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Monday, March 7, 2016

Gallery Wall

After having picture frames sitting on the office floor for months, we finally hung them on the wall.  Finally!

I still have a few pictures to order to fill the frames, as well as a two frames I need to hang, but the overall look is done.

Most all of the frames are from Ikea, a handful are from Hobby Lobby, and one is from Target.

It's so hard to take a photo of our gallery wall since it's between two doors in the hallway.  As our family and friends continue to grow, the gallery wall will move down the hallway towards the living room.  
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Uh....where did February go?  I feel like I just turned the calendar over from January.  This month has just flown by

With the changing of calendar pages, comes a fresh sheet of 'goals'.  Though, once spring arrives, I head out the door to travel this great state of Montana.  Over the next 6 months, I'll be traveling to the farthest corners of this great state.  Montana is the 4th largest state and some days I'll drive non-stop for 8 hours before I'll even reach my destination.  That's right - all 8 hours are within the Montana border (and that's not even the longest drive!)

With that being said (off topic much?), I try to keep my lists short.


1. Finish listing all items on Poshmark

2.Get guest room prepped for Mom's visit.
(it's currently full of Poshmark items.  Hence #1)

3.New shower liner in guest bath. #soglamorous

4. Hang guest bath artwork.

5. Schedule golf lessons!!

That's is.  I told you, short and sweet.  I'm hoping that I can hang the artwork tonight during #wiggydiggy's bath.  Multi-taking at it's finest :)
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