Monday, August 29, 2016

CFD 2016 Recap

This year we were able to take 10 days to head to Cheyenne, WY.  Cheyenne Frontier Days is always a blast, but it's even better spending 10 days with family.

We didn't take #wiggydiggy to much CFD action this year.  He's still in that in between stage of stroller most of time, but wanting to walk, but wanting to be carried, etc.  I didn't want to push a stroller through the crowds and have it constantly surrounded.  The pancake breakfast was a huge hit though :)

J and I also took advantage of the extended time and headed to Estes Park, CO on Monday and after the Terry Bison Ranch on Tuesday we drove to Castle Rock, CO.  (Hello shopping!!!)

P.S. Cole Swindle opened for Florida Georgia Line.  AMAZING CONCERT!!!!!!  Set CFD records!!!

And now....the Photo dump.


Best Big Brother

Huge Hail storm!

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Friday, August 12, 2016

#Wiggydiggy | 20 Months

#wiggydiggy | 20 Months

You are closer to 2 than you are to 1 and my heart breaks a little.  You just went though a growth spurt and holy moly, you have legs for days kid!
Your favorite toy
 nicknames | bug, nugget, baby

weight | unknown

size | 18 month- 2T clothes and size 5 shoes.  Size 4 diapers   

Lewis and Clark Caverns

sleep | You like your bedtime at 745/8 and you wake between 630 and 7 for breakfast.  You are taking 1 nap a day averaging 2 to 2 1/2 hours.

eats |  More than me!  But that's standard ;)  You are eating pretty much everything we put in front of you and you don't really turn anything down.

loves | Being adventurous (climbing, jumping, swinging, etc)  Playing outside, swimming, putting on shoes and going for bike rides.

dislikes | Not getting to go outside, having a toy/paci/etc taken from you, being woken up in the morning.

Thunderbird Airshow

firsts | Long Road Trip!  We drove to Cheyenne, WY and you were a TROOPER.  We also took you to Colorado while visiting Grandma and Papa and you enjoyed our mini trips.  We also introduced Little Einsteins to you.  It took you a few weeks, but now you know what "TB" is and you enjoy sitting still (shocking!) to watch 10 minutes or so.  We really limited your time with TV now that you've experienced it.  B.U.T. the Olympics are on and your dad is hooked.  So you've snuck in a few events.

You also cut your top canines and are currently in the middle of cutting your bottom canines.  Your vocabulary is BOOMING!  You even speak small phrases/sentences now.  Daycare is talking about moving you up to the 2 year old room (where your best friend is) since you play with the big kids at recess and eat afternoon snack with them.

Eating lunch in Estes Park, CO

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Essential Oils - Skin Care Addition

A while back I mentioned that I started putting Frankincense oil in my face lotion (see here).

Two months later?  I LOVE IT.  My skin is so smooth and baby soft!

I also use diluted Tea Tree oil in my skin care routine.

Post Breastfeeding wreaked havoc on my face.  I was blemish free all through pregnancy and breastfeeding.  Then one morning, a week or so after finishing nursing -  BAM.  Major breakout.  Now my hormones cause a breakout every month, but each month that passes, there are fewer and fewer blemishes I have to contend with.

I have a hard time putting chemicals on my skin now.  Not only do I get horribly dry spots that peel and can't be covered in make-up, I don't know how the chemical affect other parts of my body.  With Tea Tree, I have no peeling skin, no extra redness, and no worries!  Personally I've seen faster results from using Tea Tree than I have using any other OTC or prescribed medication.

After I wash my face at night, I get a cotton ball damp and put two drops of tea tree oil on it.  Then I swipe it over my acne prone spots and let dry.  Then I put on my lotion and wake up to buttery soft skin that glows.
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Monday, August 8, 2016

Dinner in the Park

This little boy amazes me every day.  Sometimes its because the dinner I bought to eaten entirely by him!

A ham and cheese crepe all for me?!

What Mom?  You wanted some?

Too Bad!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016


One of my favorite places in this state.  I always take a little time to stop, sit and soak the amazing view.

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