Wednesday, October 2, 2019

School Year 2019/2020

This is the last year the boys will be in 'school' together until 2024.

#wiggydiggy moved up to the Pre-School class and he LOVES it.  It follows a more traditional school structure and curriculum.
#biggywigs moved into the Pre-School 2's.  I love that it's teaching him more independence and some table manners. ;)

September 3rd 2019

The little one DID NOT want to get his picture taken.

This one on the other hand....

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Oh Hi There

September was busy.

So VERY VERY busy.

I was traveling every week (this week as well!) and while I took copious photos, I just didn't have time to sit and write.  So many amazing and fun things happened this month.  #Biggywigs finally met his GG (my grandma) in Dallas.  He was the only one who hadn't met her yet and I wanted him to get some special time with my aunts as well.   Both boys started their fall classes.  #wiggydiggy moved up to his last Pre-School class and #biggywigs started his Pre-School 2's.

I drove all over this gorgeous state for work.  Thankfully I got most of my travel done before we were hit by a blizzard on September 28th/29th.  That's right, Montana was blanketed in snow.  The weather is already warming up some so I expect all of the snow will be gone by October 5th.

We played, we went on adventures, and we (meaning me) made some fun memories.

Now the photo dump.

first plane ride

Great Aunt Pat

Great Aunt Cindy

Great Aunt Fran

With GG!

My mom, her sisters and GG

4 Generations

'Washing' Dishes

15 month shots.  Boo.

Mexican night before School starts

Someone LOVES chips....

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