Friday, May 30, 2014

12 Weeks

How far along:  12 weeks

Baby size: A Lime!

Baby's progress: Baby has reflexes!

Weight gain: Still down a few pounds.  Appetite is sort of coming back? Maybe? Hopefully?

Stretch marks: Nothing yet.

Sleep: It's very sporadic for me to wake up in the middle of the night for potty breaks, but I'm always able to fall right back asleep.

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement: Nothing I can feel.

Best moment this week: All of the tummy rubs from Justin and hearing the little nuggets heartbeat again!

Looking forward to: Painting the baby's room.

Food cravings: Nothing on a regular basis.  Food is still gross and when I do end up hungry, I make sure I eat exactly what I want.  That way I'll eat more than if I just picked at something else.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still haven't been sick, but nausea is my new best friend.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss: Wine. Salami and Cheese.  I informed Justin that I expect a salami and cheese sandwich in the recovery room.

Symptoms: My Bump!  I look further along because I carry forward, but I love it :)  I am my mother's daughter.  She was in maternity pants before 8 weeks (so was I) but she never gained over 25 pounds with any of us kids.  That's my goal!  

Workouts: Still taking two walks a day at work and I've recently added in some weighted arm exercises.

Things that suck: Our office is FREEZING right now, which means I'm layering it on at work.  The drastic temperature difference is going to get me sick, I can see it now :(

Things that don't suck: Naps.  Seriously loving my naps.  Also - the husband's co-workers.  He's the only man at his branch and having 10 'work wives' has made him very aware and attentive of my needs :)  God bless them.

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Weeks 9, 10, and 11

When we went in for the ultrasound we were told my due date was off - a whole week!  However, at my 12 week appointment my Dr and I discussed it and we are not changing my due date (even after I mentally skipped week 8.)  Lucky me, I get to repeat week 12 :)   Now that my energy is coming back, I can finally get around to finishing our entryway!  The fabric on the bench needs to be made into a real cushion.  Onward and upward!

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

I think 3 day weekends should be the norm.  Don't you?  Justin and I were able to unplug, relax and not think about any home projects......until we were bored and headed to Home Depot!

Over the weekend we planted our flower boxes and planters.  We still have two flower boxes on the shed that need to be planted, but we haven't made it to the back yard yet.  I also plan to plant some perennials bulbs in those boxes.  I'm not sure how they'll do, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out!

Just a portion of the flowers ready to be planted

Not the best photo - but we have flowers!

Justin also decided it was the perfect time to mulch under the tree.

It looks so much better than all of the lava rock we had before.  Anyone want some free lava rock?  We have TONS.  

On a happier note, the drywallers are almost done with the bathroom.  Which means we can get in and start tiling before long!  I cannot wait to have that room finished.  I'm anxious to start on the nursery!!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

8 Weeks!

taken at 8w0d

How far along:  8 weeks

Baby size: Kidney Bean

Baby's progress: Webbed fingers and toes!  And Brain development!

Weight gain: I'm down 3 pounds.  Food aversion is real.

Stretch marks: Nothing yet.

Sleep: So far, so good.  I'm so stinking tired that my bedtime is 8 pm.

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement: Nothing I can feel

Best moment this week: Ultrasound!!!  I cannot wait.

Looking forward to: Getting the 'all's good' at the ultrasound so we can start planning our announcement.

Food cravings: Food is gross and I want nothing.  I'm drinking protein shakes and carnation instant breakfasts because I need sustenance.  And Greek yogurt with granola.   Nothing sounds good and everything smells horrible.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I haven't been sick, but I'm queasy quite often.  The thought or smell of food intensifies it.  

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss: Wine. Salami and Cheese.  I dream about those sandwich's.

Symptoms: the downside - bloating, constipation, nausea.  The upside - naps (lots!), cuddles and a teeny tiny bump!

Workouts: I'm going on two walks a day at work - over a mile each time.  That's all I have energy for right now.

Things that suck: Allergies!!

Things that don't suck: Naps.  I cannot say enough for the amazing power of naps.  

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Weeks 4-7

I really need to stop taking all of my photos with my suggestions anyone?

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Big News!!!!!!! (My version of Five on Friday)


This has been the easiest secret I've ever had to keep :)  Justin and I are so excited to finally share the amazing news with you all!!  Expect a catch-up of bump pictures in the near future!!


It's also the reason I haven't been writing as much.  I've been going to bed so early and feeling so crummy, I just haven't kept up on the house status the way I should.  I promise I'll be better soon :)

The drywallers come next week to finish up the bathroom so we can start tiling!!  I'm so excited!!!!!!!

I'm addicted to Carnation Instant Breakfast, and have been since high school.  But I love seeing all of the bloggers posting their versions of how they drink it.  CommuniKait and Life of Bon for starters.

Our mailed and facebook announcement!

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Week (end) Wrap-Up

I was out of town last week with limited access to a laptop and internet.  So instead of updating you throughout the week with Justin's amazing bathroom room progress while I was out of town - I get to lump it all together in one post.  Lucky you! 

My conference was amazing - busy, hectic, insane, but amazing.  I coordinate/organize the conferences my organization holds and this week is our BIG conference week during the year.  I had a presentation one morning in a partner conference and then I was off and running with our own.  As insanely busy as I was, I had to take time to enjoy the pond in the courtyard as I ran from one meeting room to the other side of the hotel.  There's something about ducklings.......

Of course, another awesome perk of week long conferences is the banquet dessert.  Nothing tops a stressful week like a decadent chocolate dessert.  NOM.

Back on the home front, Justin was working hard on the guest bathroom.  We had been in limbo for a few weeks waiting for our trailer to arrive.  He was so excited to get back to work so this project can start to see some progress. 
The shower Durock and most of the drywall have been put up.  He also pulled out the laminate vanity and 80's light fixtures.

Over the weekend he finished up some smaller detail work in the bathroom so we can finish the walls and start tiling this week.  I headed out to my sister in law's to help paint one of the girls rooms.  They just moved the oldest into her own room and my mother in law painted her room before the move took place.  It only seemed fair that before they moved their 3rd little girl in with their 2nd oldest, we helped to paint their room and the downstairs bathroom.

Painting in progress

For Mother's Day, Justin and I had his family over.  Making dinner for my mother in law and sister in law as a thank you for being such great moms was a fantastic way to end the weekend.

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day as well!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend was finally productive!  We picked up our new trailer on Friday and J's already taken 6 loads to the dump and brought home the drywall for the bathroom.  This little guy will be weekly appearances at the dump for a while :)

Also this weekend was J's Birthday.  I took the birthday boy to Sears to pick up his present - a power washer.  We scored BIG time at Sears.  J had been looking at a few models from Lowe's and Home Depot, but when we got to Sears there was a much nicer model at 50% off.  The 50% off made it less than the other washers he had been looking at!  We couldn't pass up the smoking deal, so it was bought and loaded up within 10 minutes.  I'd say the birthday boy is pretty happy.

While I was doing laundry and other general chores, J decided to put his new chainsaw to work and trim up our trees.  We have two big pine trees in front of our home and we've been wanting to clean up underneath them since we moved in last year.  While J was loading up the limbs after getting the big tree done, our awesome neighbor came over and gave him a standing ovation.  It's always good to know that the hard work we do to the house is appreciated.  

The smaller tree - before getting cut.

The big tree cleaned out!

We still have work to do - cleaning out under the trees and rebuilding a stone wall around the base.  But this summer is the prefect time for outdoor projects.

On a separate note, I picked up some new shampoo and conditioner.  I'm still debating if I like them or not.  Yesterday it felt like I hadn't rinsed my hair enough, but since I shaved my legs after I conditioned my hair, I knew that wasn't the case.  Have you had any experience with them?