Monday, March 16, 2015

The New Normal

 It has been a bit hectic over here the past few weeks.  Coming back from maternity leave I was promoted and moved offices. (YAY!)  #wiggydiggy was going full time at his sitter's (Boo :( ) and we ended up having to move him to a new daycare.  So between packing boxes, unpacking boxes, and interviewing daycare's, I haven't had time to catch you up!

The great news is I have a beautiful view - which you can catch on instagram - and I am literally across the street from #wiggydiggy.  I still nurse him at lunch, so it's amazing to walk across the street and get to spend a solid 50 minutes nursing and playing with him.
First day of School!

At home J and I have been figuring out our new routine.  I'm type A through and through, so my Sunday afternoon/evenings are all about prep.  I lay out all of my clothes for the week, pack my lunch box for the week, write out our weekly menu and then do a quick grocery run.  The first week Jn laughed a bit at my slight mania to get everything ready.  Now he's on board and he even lays out all of his clothes too!

Having everything ready for the morning makes my routine smoother.  I always nurse before leaving the house, and I always end up taking more time loving on my lil man than I have.  So those few extra minutes I save can all be used on a few more kisses and baby giggles.  Now my only problem is coming up with great dinners each night.  I don't want to get into a dinner rut - so I'm taking suggestions!!  And I love my crockpot :)  *hint hint*

Also at home I'm trying to get a few projects finished so I can finally show them to you.  Do you remember the project we started before Thanksgiving?  Yeah, that still has one step left before it's finished.  Also, lil man's nursery has some work.  I need to finish painting a few things and get everything up on the wall.  In our true fashion we were sidetracked in a trip to Target and we started updating our living room decor.  Sheesh!  I have a lengthy to do list this weekend.

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