Friday, September 25, 2015

A Cat in the House

I came home and found a cat in my house!

This cat was not a gift (though I would have happily adopted him!) and we still aren't 100% sure how he got in.  (My best guess is he was in the garage for a bit first, then snuck in when I had the kitchen door open)

But for 45 minutes on Sunday, #wiggydiggy and I were entertained by the sweetest cat that wasn't phased by a 9 month old squeals.   He obviously belonged to someone, but he didn't want to go home!

I was finally able to convince him (or her?) to join #wiggydiggy and I outside by sitting on the porch for a few minutes.

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Monday, September 21, 2015

A Fall Transition

The weather in Montana has been making the swing back and forth from 80's to 50's over the past few weeks in preparation of the changing of the seasons.

I've been fortunate in my travels across the Bitterroot Valley and along the Clark Fork River to watch the trees change.

On the downside, I've been gone at least three days a week and will continue to do so until November (at the earliest).  I'm currently working two positions at work in addition to traveling, which means my days are long when I'm on road, and packed to the brim when I'm in my office.

While I'm home I'm soaking up as much time with my lil guy as I can.  I cannot believe he will be 10 months old in two weeks!!  It seems that he's learned a new trick or skill every time I see him.  He mimics J and I, and we have a BLAST teaching him fun tricks.

This blog will be quieter over the next two months while my life is busier - but feel free to find me on instagram (@wigdiggity) to see what our family is up too!
Still hungry after dinner!  Haha

Flying home from Seattle

First Carroll Football game!

What kind of post would it be without a few photos?

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Baby Food Pancakes

I attempted to skip the baby cereal phase; however when #wiggydiggy  was around 7 months I picked up a box of Beech Nut oatmeal, just to keep on hand "in case of emergencies".  I waited a week or so before making a bowl and adding some blueberries for dinner one night.  Lil man gobbled it up.....then spit it all up less than an hour later.  

At daycare, they had the same problem - spit up all of the cereal within an hour.  So we began to use a scoop to thicken up some of the thinner puree's I had made.  That worked great until we ran out of the thin puree's.  After a month of the box sitting half empty in the pantry, I decided I had to use it up before it went bad.  To Pinterest I went!

Baby Food Pancakes 

1 cup flour
1/2 cup baby cereal
1/2 tsp baking powder
4 eggs
1/2 cup puree*
1/2 cup milk

*seasonings as preferred

Mix the ingredients and blend until smooth

Scoop a spoonful onto a warm skillet.
Flip after a minute or two.

Can be frozen and reheated as needed!

So far we've used:
Pumpkin with cinnamon, ginger and cloves
Sweet Potato/Apple with cinnamon

And they've all been a hit!

(with everyone in the family *winky face*)

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

#wiggydiggy 9 Months

#wiggydiggy  | 9 MONTHS

nicknames | bug, lil man, buggy, magoo

weight | 
 19 lbs 3 oz and 28 1/2 inches tall

size | Size 3 diapers and all 12 month clothes.  Two days after you turned 8 months, I had to pull all of the 9 month clothes.  You are just growing so quickly!!

 sleep |  You sleep through the night (yay!!!) but you fight naps at daycare.  On the weekends I can count on you to take at least two naps around a hour each.  If you don't nap at daycare, you can nap for up to 2 hours at home before dinner.

eats | Everything!!  We let you 'feed' yourself and then we bring in a few oz of puree to finish filling you up.   

loves | "chasing" after mama down the hall, bath time, peek-a-boo, wrestling with daddy

dislikes | Waiting on food, dirty diapers, getting out of the bath

firsts |  Standing!  You stood up all by yourself on 8/28.  You surprised yourself when you pulled yourself into a standing position and then you didn't want to be sitting anymore.  You pull yourself up on everything and your ankles are getting so strong!!  Won't be long before you're walking......

Momma | I don't know how we got so lucky to have such a HAPPY baby!  You are always smiling and laughing.  I love our alone hour when we get home from daycare/work.  We roll around and have tickle wars on our bed.  You'll belly laugh so loud and long that you eventually fall, mid-laugh, into sleep.  You always reach out to touch me while you are sleeping :)  Most of the time I move you to your crib, but every once in a while I stay snuggled with you on the bed.  You are so precious and I wish time would slow down.  I'll lay there and study your face and memorize the sound of your breathing.  I love you so much lil man.

Daddy | Dear Son:

Today you are 9 months old, it’s hard to believe you have been outside in this world longer than you were in momma’s womb.  You are a very busy kiddo, you can crawl, sit up on your own and your new favorite thing to do is pull yourself up in to a standing position.  We had to lower your crib mattress as you were pulling yourself up on the railing.  You are becoming more and more vocal and have started mimicking the “waving” motion.  You love bath time and being in the water with your duckies and you love cuddling with momma before bed.  You are truly loved by all that meet you and you are an amazing kid.  Your mom and I truly hit the baby lottery with you and I can’t imagine a day where I don’t get to see your smiling face.  I love you so much son!

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

39 Weeks - Part II

39 Weeks ago, I was 39 Weeks

Today, #wiggydiggy is 39 Weeks!!

The time is flying by, faster than I would like.  Our baby is closer to 1 than he is to a newborn.  He has lost his newborn smell and has begun to gain a little independence.

Though, he is still a mama's boy. ;)

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Weekend Hangover

My parents came into town last Thursday and stayed the weekend.  I miss them so much.  I wish we lived closer.

Unfortunately the forest fires filled our valley with smoke for the week prior to their visit and it didn't clear out until Sunday.  We were able to get take the boat out for a few hours of sunshine and fresh, clear air before they headed home.

My favorite people

We were anchored in a cove and we took his life jacket off to change his diaper.  I snagged a few photos before we put it back on.

Best friends

Sweet potato fries!

I'm ready for a road trip to Cheyenne!!  I need a longer parent fix.
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