Edit: This photo was taken at 12/2/14, 5:30PM. 7 1/2 hours later I went into Labor at 39 Weeks.
How far along: 39 Weeks
Baby size: Size of a watermelon! Around 20 inches and 7 pounds.
Baby's progress: Baby is just putting on weight while waiting to arrive!
Weight gain: 15 pounds - my cold has prevented me from enjoying eating.
Stretch marks: Still in the clear. Morning is Burt's Bee's Mama Bee's and evening is Burt's Bee's vitamin E oil.
Sleep: Haven't slept too well due to my cold. Congestion leads to lots of nose blowing and coughing :(
Gender: SURPRISE!!!
Movement: Movement is getting less and less as they lose more room. It's more like a whole body shift.
Best moment this week: Hosting the family at home for Thanksgiving. Even though I was at the worst part of my cold, I loved having the house full.
Looking forward to: Meeting our little Love Bug! We are SO CLOSE!!!
Food cravings: Being sick has taken away all of my appetite.
Belly Button - In or Out: It's flat now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On
Labor signs: False labor showed up on Saturday and Sunday. It's getting real!
What I miss: Being healthy. This cold is for the birds.
Symptoms: False labor - contractions that are irregular but getting painful.
Workouts: Just walking.
Things that suck: Thinking about labor and delivery too much.
Things that don't suck: Knowing this is the final week of pregnancy.

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