Wednesday, April 29, 2020

#biggywigs - 22 Months

#biggywigs | 22 Months

This is being posted a month late.  I'm sorry baby.  I kept forgetting to pull some photos for the post.  Whoops.

nicknames | monkey, a rhyme of your name, Baby

weight | over 30 pounds and 33 inches :)  I'll have official measurements at your 2 year well check

size | 2 T clothes, size 6 diapers and size 6 shoes (though at 23 months you moved up to 3T clothes and size 7 shoes)

sleep | Bedtime is 7-730.  You're currently waking around 6AM, and napping right after lunch for about 1.5 to 2 hours.

eats |  You are defiantly more picky than your brother was at this age #secondkidprobs  You love applesauce, veggie pouches, and yogurt.  You eat well if you're distracted at meal time though.  You also don't like to drink milk, but you have plenty of dairy :)

loves | Being outside, chasing brother, and dancing.

dislikes | Getting your diaper changed (most of the time), not getting the toy brother is playing with, being in the car too long.

firsts | Being home for the past 2 weeks.  Your entire routine turned upside down and you handled it like a champ.  You've gotten a lot more TV than I'd like, but it's still only a limited number of shows.  You love getting out on a walk in the afternoon and your vocab has BOOMED since we've been home.
We also converted your crib to a toddler bed.  SOB.  However you HATED your crib and you love napping in your toddler bed now.  As much as I wanted you to be in a crib until 3 1/2 (like big brother, who LOVED his crib) I'm so happy you're sleeping better :)

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Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Five

I 100% have taken advantage of the extra sales and free shipping the past few weeks.

I took some of my bonus and did some splurge shopping for myself, especially because I now have the time to enjoy some of them :)

Face Masks
I scored a Glam Glow set for 50% off and a Peter Thomas Roth set for almost 60% off.
I have done at least one face mask every morning.  So far the ThirstyMud Hydration mask is my favorite.  I'll repurchase a large jar when these all run out.
GLAMGLOW #Multimasking Mask Treatment Set
Peter Thomas Roth Mix Mask Hydrate Kit
Bonus?  My skin is AMAZING.  I'll try to mask everyday from here on out.


After gifting Justin and myself Yeti Tumblers for Christmas, I had a hard time wanting to buy anything but Yeti products.  
Then on our trip to Kalispell, I saw Yeti tumblers and Hydroflask tumblers sitting next to each other on a display.  The weight difference was astonishing!  The Hydroflask bottle was as light as a feather.  I finally understood the cult following.
So I snagged one during a Dick's Sporting Goods sale.  Worth every penny.

Anthropologie candle and bath soak

I blame Things.I.Bought.And.Liked.  She influenced me.

The bath soak is all it is hyped up to be.
So is the candle.  Lovely scent, not over powering, and burns forever.
God Bless 40% off sales and free shipping.

Ann Taylor
I've been on the hunt for some new dress pants for a few years now.  I've loved (truly loved for 10+ years) my Limited pants, but they are beginning to give up the good fight.  I've tried purchasing similar pants off Poshmark, but I've been disappointed every time.  I saw the Friends and Family sale (which finally included their suiting) and purchased a few pants to try on.

I kept the Trouser in season less stretch.  Basically the big sister to my current pants :)
The Trouser Pant In Seasonless Stretch

J Crew Sweater Blazer

My home uniform has been jeans, t shirt, sweater blazer, slippers.  All day, every day.
So I caved and bought my third sweater blazer!  This time in Olive Green.
I take one to work with my almost every day too (#teamalwayscold) so I know that I'll get my money worth.

Comfortable? yes.
Cute? yes.
Cozy? yes.
j.crew factory: sweater-blazer for women, right side, view zoomed

Frivolous?  Totally.

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

This is the Life

Day 36.

I only know because I do a daily update to my girl friend in Nebraska :)

I am LOVING this Work at Home life.  We have a great routine, I'm productive with work, and all of the extra snuggles are heaven.

I know I'm in the minority of enjoying Stay At Home, but I feel like I've been planning for this all of my adult life!  Haha.

First up - I spent months waiting (impatiently) for Wal-Mart's Grocery pick and Target's curbside pick up to make it to Helena.   Once it did - I was the biggest advocate and user of their options.  I exclusively grocery shopped through Wal-Mart Grocery for months before COVID.

Secondly - I also use the CVS CarePass option.  I don't think I'll ever go into a CVS again!  Shipped to my home in two days?  Yes please.

I do realize that I'm extremely lucky that I don't have any homeschooling to do.  #wiggydiggy starts kindergarten in the fall, so this time is just unstructured play most of the day.  I do have him work in some workbooks when #biggywigs takes a nap, but his attention span is like a gnats ;)

As an introvert, I'm my best self these days.

So I'll wrap up all of my joy and send it out into the universe to hopefully bring some joy to you too.

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