How far along: 29weeks
Baby size: A bunny rabbit!
Baby's progress: Baby's head is growing and they are soaking up lots more calcium.
Weight gain: 10 ish pounds
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: When I'm asleep, it's deep and restful. However, I'm waking often between needing a potty break and #wiggydiggy's current cough.
Gender: Coming to a hospital near us this May!
Movement: All the time. I swear this one kicks MUCH harder than #wiggydiggy ever did.

Bonus Outtake!
Best moment this week: My prenatal massage
Looking forward to: Family ski Saturday and date night Saturday night.
Food cravings: Sunny D. Still. I'm leaning towards the sweets these days. Not candy, more like brownies, cookies, donuts.
So I'm counter balancing with more fruit and veggies.
But I want to wash it all down with a big glass of Sunny D!
Belly Button - In or Out: Half out, half flat
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Just not interested in a lot of food.
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On.
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: Pilates. A lot of my spring clothes.
Symptoms: Getting winded. Big ole' belly. Finally caved and bought a larger bra.
Workouts: Still squeezing in treadmill time when I can. I need to up my arm workouts.
Things that suck: Forgetting how big the belly is and bumping into things. Like doors, drawers, desks, and people.
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