Holy moly the past two weeks have flown by.
My mom has been in town helping us with #baby wigs. He doesn't start at daycare until September 4th and I came back to work on August 8th. God Bless Grandma's :)
I've been soaking up as much time with her as I possibly can while wishing today would take it's sweet time getting here.
I've been soaking up as much time with her as I possibly can while wishing today would take it's sweet time getting here.
We headed to Belgrade, MT one Saturday to check out 'Digger Days'. It was a BLAST, however it was smoky :( The smoke was just bordering on Moderate Air, so we didn't stay too long.
Back to school haircut
This is him from 8/31/2015!
Ugh. Right in the heart.
#babywigs and I had a lovely dinner date with a girlfriend. It was SO nice to catch up without toddlers running around!
Here he is showing off his new Violin that the paci fairy brought him.
Paci Fairy, you ask?
Well, she's like the tooth fairy. Only she collects all the pacifiers from big kids so she can make pacifiers for the new babies. She leave a little present behind in exchange for the pacifier's.
#wiggydiggy only threw a fit the next day at nap time. Then nothing.
We are doing things differently with #babywigs. Justin would hold the pacifier in #wiggydiggy's mouth all day for months, this time #babywigs only gets a paci if he really wants one. He likes to chew on toys and his hands most of the time (and Justin isn't as worried about babies making noise anymore!) so I'm hopeful the pacifier will be gone by the time he is 1.
The ones I love the most:
50% off plus extra 25% off $40 (and 2.5% cash back!)
50% off full price plus extra 20% off your order (3% cash back!)
I ordered these
40% off plus extra 10% off (and 8% cash back!!)
25% off any order (4% cash back!!)
Hello Bean Boots :)
Any other great sales I should know about?!?!