Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up / Yellowstone Edition

We decided last weekend that we needed a break from our year long home remodel.  So to Yellowstone we went!  The park entrance is about 3 1/2 hours away, so we knew it would be an easy weekend.  We normally pack up and head up to Glacier Park for a quick get-away, but neither of us have been to Yellowstone in almost 2 decades!  It was time for a change.

J and I love to go on quick adventures.  We plan nothing - other than where we are going to stay the night - and take any detour we like.  This trip was no different.  We stopped in Big Sky, MT on the way down since I've never been before.  I loved walking around the shops and seeing the resort.  J and I buy a wine glass from everywhere we go and Big Sky was no different!  I love that any time we would have a glass of wine, we also get a quick trip down memory lane.

The best part of our 'no plans' Yellowstone was the detours.  Within the park there are lots of side roads you can take.  Our favorites were Firehole Canyon and Firehole Lake.  If you ever get the opportunity to head that direction, take the side trips!  You see so much MORE of the park than you would on the main road.

The drive down
My caffeine of the day - Dirty Chai Latte
Top - Firehole Canyon
Middle - Painted Pots
BL - Geyser at Painted Pots BM - Lake Yellowstone BR - Buffalo by Road

Dinner at the Lake Hotel

View from Lake Lodge

Our (hilarious) cabin!
TL - Elk with velvet antlers TR - Old Faithful!
BL - Firehole Lake BR - Elk herd at Mammoth Hot Springs


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Thursday, June 26, 2014

16 Weeks

How far along:  16 weeks

Baby size:  Size of an Avacado!

Baby's progress:  Baby is starting a growth spurt.  And baby even has toenails now!

Weight gain:  Zilch.  Holding steady at my weight loss weight.  

Stretch marks:  Nada

Sleep: Bedtime is still early and I'm starting to wake up early.  I'm able to fall back asleep, thank goodness!

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement:  I've been feeling 'quickening' for the past three weeks, but finally a flick!!  A flick!!!  Such an amazing moment.  I was resting on the couch and zoning out, when all of a sudden - flick.  I jolted and then froze.  I was debating if it was gas bubbles, hunger pains, anything else, when FLICK! it happened again!!  Movement is getting stronger and I can't wait for more consistent movement.

Best moment this week: Feeling the flick!!

Looking forward to: Our mini vacation coming up.

Food cravings: Food aversion is real people.  I want nothing, but I force myself to eat.  I swear, it's two bites and I'm done.  I hope this ends REAL soon.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!  All signs of nausea are gone.  

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss: Clothes fitting.  I'm slowly weeding out more and more items that don't fit.

Symptoms: My Bump!  I love knowing that it's all baby right now.

Workouts: Still taking two walks a day at work (weather permitting) and weighted arm exercises.  

Things that suck:  Seriously - not having an appetite.  It's a struggle to force myself to eat.  Even ice cream isn't appealing.

Things that don't suck: Baby flutters and hearing the heartbeat at the 16 week appt.  How excited Justin is to be a father and he is going to be an amazing father :)

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Pregnancy Wars

I'm in the midst of a mind war.
Did I ask to be?  No.
Did I want to be?  No.

I'm simply a by-stander who was pulled in by game-playing girls who feel that it's all a competition.

My only grievance?  I'm pregnant.

That's right.  I'm the target of this ugly, foul tasting, competition because someone else is insecure enough to make it so.  I spent the evening crying to my husband over the issue.  I tried so hard.  I opened myself and my home up to them.  I extended my friendship and my kindness only to be bushed aside over and over and over again.  When Justin and I found out we were pregnant again, we agreed to keep it to ourselves until after the first trimester.  Then one girl started calling and texting DAILY saying 'I know you're pregnant, just tell me.'  When I finally caved under the pressure, she walked off in a gloat.  She pulled the information from me and was able to hold it over my head.

Then it got worse.  I was asked non-stop about my pregnancy and the baby.  Asking insignificant question that in hindsight were golden nuggets of information.  The WHOLE time she herself was pregnant.  Did I ever ask or berate her?  Make her feel insignificant?  Absolutely not.  Yet she rubbed her announcement in my face - and I'm paraphrasing here - told me she was 'so much better' than me for staying quiet for a full 12 weeks.

It's lonely here in Montana.  All of my trust worthy, dependable, and loving girl friends live two states away.  It's an effort to keep in touch and maintain our relationships, but I do it because I love them and they are amazing women I am blessed to have in my life.

But these pregnancy wars?  They make me want to pack up my bags and move back.

And it's not just one girl.  It's a few.  It's the constant questions and nit-picking so someone can have a 'better shower' or a 'nicer nursery'.  When did it become a competition?  We are growing a human being!  We are creating life!  This should be a joyus and wonderful time!

Instead, it's sad and painful.

We heard the heartbeat today and I couldn't get excited.  All I could think is, well I didn't the war will rage on.  The backstabbing, the pettiness, then hurt.

Depressing?  Yes.  So so much.

And I still have months to endure.

Pray for me.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday afternoon Justin and I were thinking of having a relaxing evening in front of the TV with an early bedtime.  Lazy was our middle name :)  But then!!  A good friend, who we haven't seen in ages, texted and asked if her family could come over to see the baby bump and the house progress after dinner.   That lit a fire under our butts and we framed in both new windows and even hung the blinds in the living room before they came over.

Thank goodness for awesome motivation.  We spent 40 minutes working and the rest the evening hanging out with our favorite family of three :)
Living Room Trim

Family Room - Done!

Living Room - Done!
Saturday morning was sleeping in and a big breakfast.  Then we spent the day working on small projects that had just been adding up and needed to get done.  I've asked Justin to pull back the reins on some of the new projects and focus on getting some older ones done.  We have a lot of small random items that need to be finished - all things that will take no time at all to do.  When you add them all up.....then they seem overwhelming.   Justin got to work on some of his 'to do list' and I finished the bench in the entryway.

It was super simple.  I just sewed the corners of the three cushions together so they wouldn't shift much in the new singular cushion.  Then I wrapped them in quilting filling (for a seamless look and a touch of softness) and fabric and stapled them to a wood base.  Easy Peasy!
Bench c/o Target
Fabric c/o JoAnn
Sunday we worked on the nursery.  When we took the ancient baseboard heater off, we realized we had to patch the wall.  While Justin worked on that, I painted (again, with lots of breaks and plenty of ventilation).  More progress photos coming soon!!


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Friday, June 20, 2014

5 on Friday

We have new windows!!!  We replaced only the living room and family room windows at the moment and they have made a HUGE difference.  The glass is so clear and they are so quiet.  No matter how many times I cleaned our old windows, the grime and water stains wouldn't come off.  

We chose faux wood blinds from Home Depot for the main living areas.  Love the foam?  Once the trim is all painted, I'll have new photos to show progress! 

Home Depot is almost a daily occurrence.  The days we don't go, we go to Lowe's.  It's there a Home Improvement Anonymous group?
Just another shopping trip.
I promised you a photo of the painted hallway and bathroom door trim.
Not the best Iphone photo, but I'm LOVING the white trim
My 'cravings' these days.  (Really, it's all I can get down without gagging)

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

15 weeks

How far along:  15 weeks

Baby size: 4  inches! Size of an apple

Baby's progress: Baby can move all of their joints

Weight gain:  Zilch.  Holding steady at my weight loss weight.  

Stretch marks: Nothing yet.

Sleep: Bedtime is still early and I'm sleeping well.  

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement: Nothing I can feel.

Best moment this week: Double nap weekend with Justin.  He never naps!

Looking forward to: Dr appt next week.  I love hearing the heartbeat!

Food cravings: Food aversion is real people.  I want nothing, but I force myself to eat.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!  All signs of nausea are gone.  

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss: Clothes fitting.  I'm slowly weeding out more and more items that don't fit.

Symptoms: My Bump!  I love knowing that it's all baby right now.

Workouts: Still taking two walks a day at work (weather permitting) and weighted arm exercises.  

Things that suck:  Seriously - not having an appetite.  It's a struggle to force myself to eat.  Even ice cream isn't appealing.

Things that don't suck: All of the tummy rubs and kisses from Justin.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up

I kicked off our weekend with a bang.  My energy is coming back so I had to put it to good use.  I scrub my house from top to bottom - vacuumed, dusted, mopped, the works.  For the first time in weeks I finally felt like my house was clean :)  Justin's been a total champ during my first trimester.  He worked on projects without any help from me, kept the house in one piece and let me sleep.  But to be honest, it felt so good to clean all afternoon.  Granted my bedtime was 8:00 pm that night!

Saturday morning we held a garage sale. (sorry no photos.  But just picture a garage sale.  Pretty standard stuff) We had two others joining us with items to sell, but it was total chaos and the moment is started raining Justin and I threw in the towel.  We loaded up everything that hadn't sold and took it to Goodwill.  We may have closed up shop 2 hours early, but it ended up being a blessing for us.  Justin and I were able to get all of our Home Depot/Lowe's errands run as well as install the new toilet.

Ah, the toilet.  Such a fun project!  The first toilet we bought was this beautiful dual-flush elongated bowl that Justin was stoked for.  Turns out it was TOO long.  We couldn't get the toilet in without damaging the new wall.  Instead, Justin went and exchanged it for a standard toilet.  Not as exciting, but we have a toilet!  YAY!

The rest of they day Saturday we stuck around the house doing our regular chores and napping.  Naps make everyday better :)

Sunday I decided to finish decorating the half bath while Justin installed the new bathroom door (you can see it in the above photo as well).  
Not the best photo - but a door!  And trim!

I'm painting the hallway tonight.  Hopefully I can get a better photo soon.  We still have to take the door off the hinges and paint it, but since we have a toilet, we figured a door (even one without hardware) is better than no door!  Haha.

We ran to Lowe's to pick up our counter top and SHOCKER!!  They were sold out!!  When we looked at them on Thursday, they had plenty.  Darn it.  We should have just bought it then!  Double dang.  So now the bathroom is postponed....again...

The half bath is now 90% complete!  We still need to replace the window and find hand towels we like, but I've checked this room off my 'to do' list for the time being!!

Vase from Target clearance, branches from JoAnn

All from TJMaxx

We spend the afternoon napping :)  Then we headed over to my in-laws for a father's day dinner and some pinochle before calling it a night.  The guys won - but that's because us ladies knew they needed a father's day gift.

Now onto our exciting week.  A few new windows are being installed tomorrow.  That means I need to get all of my prep work done tonight.  Fingers crossed I get it all done!

Friday, June 13, 2014

14 Weeks

Welcome to the Second Trimester Club!

How far along:  14 weeks

Baby size: 3 1/2 inches! Or a lemon.

Baby's progress: Baby can make facial expressions 

Weight gain:  Still down in weight.  I'm finally getting hungry, but it takes 2 bites and then I'm full.

Stretch marks: Nothing yet.

Sleep: Bedtime is still early and I'm sleeping well.  Occasionally I have to wake up for a potty break.

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement: Nothing I can feel.

Best moment this week: Random Saturday nap with Justin right after breakfast. Love those snuggles

Looking forward to: Painting the baby's room.

Food cravings: Food aversion is real people.  I want nothing.  But I force myself to eat.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!  Most all signs of nausea are gone.  Still suffering from food aversion.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss: My shorts fitting!  I have one maternity pair and I know I'm going to have to cave and buy another.

Symptoms: My Bump!  I love knowing that it's all baby right now.

Workouts: Still taking two walks a day at work and weighted arm exercises.  

Things that suck: All of the light-headedness.  I can't stand up without moving like I'm 80 and arthritic. Oh, and hormonal gums.  I looked like a vampire at the dentist office!  

Things that don't suck: Second Trimester Baby!!  

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Baby Registry

I have a confession.  I made my baby registry about 3 days after J and I were married.

I'm type A.  I like lists, I like organization, and I like being prepared.  I knew J and I weren't going to try for a family for a few more months to a year.  However, I wanted to have some of my favorite items tagged and any 'must haves' I was told about put together neatly.  It was easy to create a Target registry online and in the beginning it was just the basics: baby furniture, stroller, and standard baby items.  Over the next few months I would occasionally log on and add some 'must haves' that friends and bloggers wrote about.  I printed off check lists and would make sure that I had a few of each item added.  Then, when we found out we were pregnant I was able to go in and make adjustments on sizes (since we are due early December) and keep track of the items that we had already bought or been given.

The type A in me has been relaxed and feeling quite prepared.  

Simmons Madisson Crib n' More

The nursery bedroom set - Simmons Madisson from Target.  We bought it all about two months before we found out we were pregnant again.


What items should I have?  What items could you NOT live without?  What is one thing you registered for that you wish you hadn't?

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up

Slow and steady wins the race.  Right?

We've been making some progress on the guest bath.  Since my energy level is still low in the evenings, I'm only a real help to Justin on the weekends.  This weekend the cabinets were finally finished being sanded so I was able to get all 4 coats of stain done.  YAY!!  (And before you say anything, the garage was very thoroughly ventilated and I took a break whenever I needed one.)

Before and After a 3rd coat
Justin was able to get the tile finished and we were able to get the mirror hung!  Progress!!!

The rest of the weekend was pretty boring and full of chores.  Laundry, mowing, home depot runs, grocery shopping, etc, etc, etc.  And a few naps :)

We are also starting trim work on some of the doors!  Can't wait to show progress pictures!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

13 Weeks

How far along:  13 weeks

Baby size: A Peach!

Baby's progress: Baby has fingerprints!

Weight gain:  Still down in weight.  I occasionally get hungry, but it takes 2 bites and then I'm full.

Stretch marks: Nothing yet.

Sleep: Bedtime is still early and I'm sleeping well.  Occasionally I have to wake up for a potty break.

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement: Nothing I can feel.

Best moment this week: All of the tummy rubs from Justin.  Seriously the best.  And my new yoga pants coming from V.S.  Yay for stretchy pants!

Looking forward to: Painting the baby's room.

Food cravings: Nothing on a regular basis.  Food is still gross and when I do end up hungry, I make sure I eat exactly what I want.  That way I'll eat more than if I just picked at something else.

Anything making you queasy or sick: When I start thinking of what I want to eat - some foods make me queasy.  It's interesting.  I'm just trying to stick to healthy foods and make sure that I'm eating all day.  My snack drawer at work barely closes!

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss: Salami and Cheese.  It's the ONE thing I want ALL the time.

Symptoms: My Bump!  I love knowing that it's all baby right now.

Workouts: Still taking two walks a day at work and weighted arm exercises.  I'm planning on going back to the gym next week now that I'm not napping at lunch anymore.

Things that suck: It's getting warm and all I can think about is how I'm missing all of the great summer beverages.  Vodka sodas, summer beers, etc etc etc.  I know it's not the end of the world, but dang, they are so cold and refreshing!  I'll stick to my water and iced tea.

Things that don't suck: My relationship with Justin.  He's going to be one awesome dad because he's already the best husband.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nursery - The Beginning

The Nursery in its current state.

Earlier this year, after our miscarriage and before we found out we were blessed with a pregnancy again, we bought our crib and dresser.  Shortly thereafter, my dearest mailed me a huge box of maternity clothes and baby items from her little boy.  A few weeks after that (when we found out we were pregnant again) our sister in law gave us her extra mattress, swing and exer-saucer.  Not too much longer and we were once again blessed with a car seat, stroller and two bases from another dear friend.  Justin and I cannot count our blessings enough.  We are so appreciate that so many love us to just donate their gently used (but still in Amazing Condition!!  And super clean!!) baby items without a second thought.

HOWEVER......that means the nursery is currently a super cluttered mess.  Oh, and we took the door down, so there is no way for me to 'hide' the mess.  Type A personality - check.  Stress ball over mess - check.  Plan of attack - check!

This weekend we will remove all items to the guest room.  We need to paint the walls, take down the trim, remove the baseboard, remove the closet doors and paint the closet.  Those items may not get done as quickly as I like.  After all, we are still remodeling a bathroom! 

My Pinterest inspiration for a neutral nursery that can grow with our bambino:

I love how clean and simple this room is, it would be a simple transition from baby to toddler to child to teen. A good design for the long run.
With a little less Chevron
Nursery: Navy and White
I love the Navy!
Nursery: Washed Linen Plaid Nursery Bedding Collection | Restoration Hardware Baby & Child
Plaid = Love
Nursery idea with navy blue and hot pink. Beautifully modern!
With touches of Pink if we have a girl

The main theme will be white, navy and gray plaid.  I'll add in touches of green or pink once the baby is here.  How did you decide on your nursery?

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