Tuesday, November 28, 2017

16 Weeks



Current Update:

Weight:  No change

Stretch marks: Nope

Sleep: I could sleep ALL DAY.  I'm sleeping well through the night, but I would love a few more hours.  And a nap.

Gender: A surprise!

Movement: I felt a quick jab a few nights ago and nothing since. 

Best moment this week: Hearing that beautiful heartbeat.

Looking forward to: #wiggydiggy's birthday party and Hawaii!!

Food cravings: Nothing.  I hate food.

What I miss: I really wanted a Sam Adams Winter Lager at Thanksgiving.  I also really want some frozen daiquiri's when I'm on the beach....

Symptoms: Small bump and tired.  Always tired.

Workouts: Light weights, lots of squats.  Still doing some abs while I can.

Things that suck: Not liking food, not getting to take H.O.T. baths with a glass of wine

Things that don't suck: Kisses from #wiggydiggy on my belly.  Melt my heart!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Weeks 14 and 15

I almost forgot this photo - I had to get out of bed, out of my pajamas, and brush my hair.  Just for this.

Where is the time going?  It's still surreal that baby #2 is on their way.  Most days I don't *feel* pregnant.  Just tired.  Very very tired.

Current Update:

Weight:  Food aversion has kicked in hard core so I'm down a few pounds.

Stretch marks: Nope

Sleep: I'm ready for bed by 7, but don't make it there until after 8.  Most nights I wake up around 3 for a half hour or so before falling back asleep

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement: I swear I felt the baby roll against the very front of my uterus the other night.   Though...could have been gas.

Best moment this week: Barre class and girls night with Amy.

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!  And Hawaii!!

Food cravings: Food is gross.  I'm mostly eating fruit, but I would be fine not eating at all.

What I miss: Nothing so far.

Symptoms: (Most of the) BLOAT IS GONE!  Hallelujah!!  Man, those few weeks were ROUGH.
I'm also tired.  Very tired.

Workouts: Light weights, lots of squats.  Still doing some abs while I can.

Things that suck: My head cold.  GGGRRRR.  I'm also forcing myself to drink a Carnation Instant Breakfast every morning.  Something is better than nothing, right?

Things that don't suck: Maternity Leggings from Loft.  I plan on living in these.  I also have a larger size that will get busted out in the third trimester.  God Bless Ponte.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Weekend Update

 Friday started with the biggest and brightest rainbow I've ever seen.  Photos don't even come close to doing it justice.

from my office window

Saturday we stuck close to home and worked on knocking a few projects out.
Our front door still needed trim.  Lowe's was out of our header the last time we went so Justin picked up a few on Saturday morning.  I packed.  And packed.  Then did laundry and finished packing!  Ha.

Door post coming soon!

Sunday was a day FULL of birthday parties.  #wiggydiggy's classmate turned 3, so we helped her celebrate in the morning.  Lil bug was the only boy there!  That didn't stop him from jumping right on into the game of dress up and he rocked being 'Owlette'.

That night was our niece's 5th birthday party and my sister in law always makes the best birthday meals.  I was grateful that baby was hungry!  I haven't eaten a real, full meal, in over a week.

Happy Thanksgiving week!!


Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday Five - Hair Favorites

  Happy Friday!!  NEXT WEEK IS THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you tell which holiday is my favorite?  Haha.

While I was pulling out suitcases to pack for some upcoming trips (!!!) I've realized I've narrowed down my travel sized hair products to my tried and true favorites.
I love passing along great products - why should I keep that a secret!


I've used this off and on for years, but it wasn't until I was teaching myself how to do a blow-out at home that I realized how important a heat protectant was.  I love how this makes my hair feel and look.  So shiny!

Honestly - I buy this at TJ Maxx in bulk.

I love this dry shampoo.  Once I moved to washing every other day I did a lot of research on how to use dry shampoo the best.

My steps for success?
1.  Apply to Clean hair
2. Apply at Night
3. Pull hair into a super high pony (also called Pineappling.  Who knew this was a 'thing'?)
4. Sleep on a silk/satin pillowcase

I bought a three pack on a whim in Sephora one day and now I'm an addict.
There aren't meant to replace your gym hair ties.
Instead, these babies are what I use at night.  I wake up with CREASELESS HAIR!
I even keep one in my car when I want to pull my hair way from my face but not deal with the dreaded hair dent when I get to my destination.


This is SO cheap and it works SO well!  I only use it once a week or so instead of my regular conditioner.  I love how soft it makes my hair and it smells delicious.


I will never go back.
Even my husband refuses to sleep on anything but a silk pillowcase.

There are so many reasons (here's one, another, and another!) to sleep on a silk pillowcase, you're 100% worth it.

What are your tried and true hair products?  I'd love to try something new!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Weeks 12 and 13

Woo!  Look who saved the dress!  haha
(Note to self - don't take the photo RIGHT after dinner)

Are you shocked?  Because we were.  For a few weeks actually.

After our last loss, we were told we had a 7% chance of a viable pregnancy if we wanted to try again.  We decided not to, so we weren't trying.  God blesses us when we least expect it :)

Current Update:

Weight:  No change yet

Stretch marks: Nothing yet.

Sleep: Bedtime is still early and I'm sleeping well.  Occasionally I have to wake up for a potty break.

Gender: We aren't finding out :)

Movement: Nothing I can feel.

Best moment this week: Hearing the beautiful heartbeat.

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!  I have food aversion (again.) but I'm hoping that I can put my pregnancy pants to good use.  Haha.

Food cravings: Food aversion is hitting hard over here.  Though pomegranate sounds pretty good right now.

What I miss: Nothing so far.

Symptoms: First trimester nausea is gone and I'm just feeling a bit tired.

Workouts: Pilates classes have ended so I'm hitting the gym a few times a week

Things that suck: BLOAT.  Ugh.  I didn't deal with this symptom so early with #wiggydiggy

Things that don't suck: a tiny bump!  Thank you Pilates classes.  I give all the credit for my stronger abs to you.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

One Big Surprise

We still can't believe our little miracle!!

First trimester wasn't horrible.  I had some nausea, but no sickness.  I moved my bedtime up before #wiggydiggy's because I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

I was still going to Pilates classes and I credit my strong abs for a much smaller bump this go round.  Justin and I are so excited for #wiggydiggy to become a big brother.  He's excited for a baby and asks (to Justin's dismay) for a baby sister to come this May. :)

We won't find out the gender, so it'll be a surprise for all of us!

And a very special Thank You to all of you who reached out and prayed for us after our last loss.  This is such a miracle and we are so grateful for all of your well wishes.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween Recap and Happy November!!

 Happy November 1st!!

This is my favorite time of year.
Family, food, and festivities!

Neither Justin nor I are big Halloween fans.  We decorate for fall and that's about it.
However, we live in a HUGE trick or treating area, so we have to buy candy in bulk.

This year we hosted a pumpkin carving party for #wiggydiggy's best buddies.

On Monday his class had their Halloween party.

Our little Husker!

Eating his favorite treat - cupcakes!

Then on Halloween I picked him up early to trick or treat at my work and then Justin's work.
The sweetest part?  That's my pumpkin from the 80's :)

He ADORED my boss's T-Rex!

After dad's work he was D.O.N.E with trick or treating.  He was a much happier camper handing out candy to all of the kiddo's that came to our door.

We did have to take him across the street to our sweetest neighbors.  They packed a special Halloween treat just for him.

We were out of candy by 730, asleep by 8, and woke up to snow!

Welcome November.
We love you.