Thursday, January 24, 2019

A Christmas Tradition Part 2

#biggywigs REFUSED to wear the hat.
#wiggydiggy was 1 year old when we took his photos and #biggywigs was 7 months old.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

It's been a nice break

A Belated Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!

We spent Christmas week with my family in Wyoming.
Thankfully we've had a very mild winter so the roads were completely clear from Helena to Cheyenne.  Silver lining to no snow!

My two favorite moments on the drive:
The view and this sign!  haha

#wiggydiggy was worried Santa wouldn't find him, so we wrote Santa a letter a few weeks before we left telling him where we would be and what #wiggydiggy would like for Christmas.  The Friday we left, Santa visited school and #wiggydiggy was so excited to remind him that we would be at MeMaw and PePaw's house!
Decorating cookies before we left.

Santa brings (non-wrapped) gifts on Christmas morning. This year #wiggydiggy asked for the Underminer and Incredible Action Figures.  #biggywigs received a Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair and a Rocking Elephant - once we got home.  Santa didn't want us to have to haul those big items back in our Tahoe ;)

#wiggydiggy was gifted all of his cousins Nerf Guns.  Present of the year, for sure.

Being spoiled by family :)

The week was quiet, relaxing, and so very very nice.  Justin spoiled me and I think he really loves his new coffee maker - the Ninja Coffee Bar.

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Friday, January 18, 2019

Best Products from 2018

2018 brought quite a few great things to us.
Most importantly - #biggywigs

Second most importantly (the item that arrived the day I went into labor) - Roomba 690


But seriously though.

12 months of new products and old favorites, I rounded up my five favorite products of 2018.

Roomba 690.
Seriously.  I LOVE this vacuum.
Image result for Roomba 690

People thought I went off the deep end when I asked for a vacuum (AGAIN) for Mother's Day.
Not having to vacuum every day is more than worth it, in my opinion.  I have two boys and a husband.  I NEED to vacuum often.

Make Up Remover Cloths

I wrote about these a few times

While I love the original, I'm all about finding a deal.  I use a cloth every night to wash my face (with ONLY water) and I love how clean my skin is.  I also love that I can get 1000 or so uses out of each cloth before it needs to be replaced......just THINK of the cost savings.

Motion Sensor Night Lights

These are Hampton Bay from Home Depot.

I love to sleep in pitch black darkness.
I have kids that wake up periodically thought the night.
I'm night blind.
You see where this is going......

I found these when I was looking for a nightlight for #wiggydiggy's bathroom.  I was thinking that a nightlight in there would be a good compromise for darkness to sleep, but enough light to go back and forth to his room.
We put it in our hallway between the boy's bedrooms and it is perfect.  It only lights up when we are in the hallway and it doesn't stay on an extremely long time.  I ended up going back and buying another one for our dining room.

Smart Plugs
These snuck in under the wire.
For Christmas I gifted Justin a dual smart plug.  I thought it would be fun but didn't know if we'd really use it.
Turns out, they solved a few of our "problems" for us.
Living so far north, it's getting dark around 4 PM.  I set up two of our lights to auto turn on each evening at 4:15.  We come home to a lit house, and my preschooler isn't clinging to my leg begging me to go turn on lights in the dark house.
They can also be controlled by Alexa.  #wiggydiggy uses them the most!  He turns on the lights before he leaves his room in the morning and will quietly play in the living room without waking everyone up.

I know I'm way behind the times on this, but I love them.

Crock Pot Liners

Wow.  I'm boring.  So sorry guys.
But in all seriousness, anything I can do to save time and/or money, I'll do.
Not having to wash a crock pot 2 - 3 times a week is pretty high up on my 'Saving Time' list.

Our evenings are extremely short.  I get home with the kids around 430 and they are in bed by 7.  I need to get dinner on the table quickly - so I use my crock pot often.

Clean up usually consists of putting leftovers in the fridge, dishes in the dishwasher and the liner in the garbage.  All under 5 minutes.
That's precious time I get to play with my boys :)

Do you have any favorite new products from 2018?

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

#biggywigs - 8 Months

#biggywigs  | 8 MONTHS

 nicknames | monkey, baby, a rhyme of your name ;)

weight |  Just under 25 pounds and 28 " (I know the blackboard says 29.  My mistake)  You were at the Dr early January and you were 24 lbs 10 oz and 28".  

loves | Your jellyfish toy, sitting up right, your jumperoo, being held by mama, watching big brother play, baths, and ESPECIALLY eating real food.

dislikes | Being tired or hungry

size | 
You are wearing size 5 diapers and 18-24 month clothes.   

sleep |  You had RSV early January and sleep went from OK to Bad.  You had the worst cough :(  This week you've been sleeping better and in longer stretches too.  You only nurse once at night - between 2 and 3 AM.

eats | You LOVE to eat.  You have homemade puree's at school - Squash/Spinach, Pumpkin/Spinach, Pumpkin/Apple, Peas, Apple, etc.  I also send whole peas and shredded chicken for snack time.  
At dinner time you eat tiny pieces of whatever we're eating and a puree or two.
Your nursing schedule is 7AM, 11AM, 7PM, 2AM (you have been boycotting your 3PM bottle at school)

firsts |  Christmas!  New Years!  Two more teeth!  Crawling (sort of.  You go backwards.)  You roll/scootch everywhere now and you sit up unsupported.
Also, your first virus - RSV.  You actually enjoyed the breathing treatments.

Momma | My Chunky Monkey, man how I love you.  I love you SO MUCH.  You are still in Momma's boy stage and I don't ever want it to end.  You are starting to nurse less, but you want to snuggle in my arms as much as possible.  You love to babble and talk to us all the time.  You are drawn to any toy that makes noise.  I'm so sorry that you are teething - two more are coming in!  That will put you at 6 teeth!!  Considering how much you love to eat, I'm honestly not surprised.  I wish time would slow down so I could snuggle you at this stage just a little bit longer.  I love you so much baby.

Daddy | 
You are starting to chat Dadadada and it makes my heart so happy.  I still love coming home from work and seeing your face light up when you see me.  Some days you are in your crib napping when I get home.  You have had a little sickness these past couple of weeks, but I think you are doing better.  You have handled sickness very well.  You are so close to crawling and you can motor in circles and “dive” for things within reach.  You are still very interested in all things that #wiggydiggy is doing when he is within eye sight of you.  You are starting to really bounce in your bouncer and your laugh is absolutely awesome.  I love you so much son!

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