Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
38 Weeks
Baby size: Size of a pumpkin!
Baby's progress: Baby has really plumped up and now has a really good grasp. Baby is ready for life outside my belly!
Weight gain: 15 pounds.
Stretch marks: Still in the clear. Morning is Burt's Bee's Mama Bee's and evening is Burt's Bee's vitamin E oil.
Sleep: Still good! Everyone keeps asking how I'm sleeping and it's making me nervous that I'm sleeping so well. Though, I've always been a great sleeper. Hand me a pillow and I can nap anywhere.
Gender: SURPRISE!!!
Movement: Big movement, whole body rolls and stretches
Best moment this week: Work Baby shower
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!! Yay for four day weekends!!
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper.
Belly Button - In or Out: It's flat now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On
Labor signs: Still irregular Braxton Hicks.
What I miss: Salami and cheese sandwiches. Red wine while watching Christmas movies.
Symptoms: Besides this huge belly? I'm doing pretty dang good.
Workouts: Just walking. If I push myself too hard I start having more Braxton Hicks.
Things that suck: Having to pee every time I stand up, getting a cold this close to my due date.
Things that don't suck: Knowing this baby is going to be here soon!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
A Work Baby Shower
In my department at work, I am the only woman. I share my work space with three awesome guys and I bring a bit of femininity to their gruffness. I wouldn't have it any other way! Yesterday, they put their minds together and threw J and I a baby shower. It was the sweetest shower full of laughter and lots of snacks.
Not much longer until we find out if it's Blue or Pink in the Wigdiggity house!!
J played college football. My co-workers kids play soccer. It was a friendly rivalry between them at the shower!
J and I are so appreciative of my amazing co-workers and their generosity. BabyWigs received some wonderful gifts and I can't wait to put them to use!!
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sneak Peek
We are gluttons for punishment. We always decide to start a new project RIGHT BEFORE the holidays. RIGHT BEFORE we host everyone at our home. Last year it was painting the kitchen and putting up a new ceiling fan the night before Thanksgiving. This year it's stripping, refinishing and building furniture for our living room.
Here's a sneak peek. More to come soon!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Friday 5
I'm swamped at work this week getting ready for maternity leave. Each night before I head home I type up a list of things that need to be done if I don't come in the next day. Just a TAD stressful. :/
I'm swamped at work this week getting ready for maternity leave. Each night before I head home I type up a list of things that need to be done if I don't come in the next day. Just a TAD stressful. :/
It's beginning to look like Christmas at our home! I have left some Thanksgiving decor up until after my favorite holiday.
J and I are holding off on ordering family stockings until BabyWigs arrives. We want them to be embroidered with their name and I can't order it until I know what their name is. Here are our top contenders so far:
All of my Christmas shopping will be done online this year - on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. With a baby arriving in 2-3 weeks, my last thought is going shopping with crowds of others. And all of my shopping will be done through Ebates.
If you have never heard of, or never used, Ebates before, you NEED to sign up. Last year my check was close to $100 for just my Christmas shopping. The deals and specials are awesome at this time of year! I love getting paid to shop online. (and they track coupons and sales for you. One stop shop.)
I haven't been hit with 'nesting'. I think this is partly due to the fact that I have tendencies similar to nesting every weekend. I love to clean my house. I love to vacuum, dust, organize and make it smell good. Drives J batty sometimes when I'm pulling the vacuum out for the third time in a week - but it's my stress reliever.
J and I are working on a fun new house project this weekend! I can't wait to show you next week. We've been slowing down with projects so we could focus on getting ready for baby. Now that we've checked the last item off our 'to do' list, we are excited to get back to house projects!!
Linking up
September Farm
Farmers Wife
A Blonde Ambition

It's beginning to look like Christmas at our home! I have left some Thanksgiving decor up until after my favorite holiday.
J and I are holding off on ordering family stockings until BabyWigs arrives. We want them to be embroidered with their name and I can't order it until I know what their name is. Here are our top contenders so far:
Pottery Barn
Pottery Barn
All of my Christmas shopping will be done online this year - on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. With a baby arriving in 2-3 weeks, my last thought is going shopping with crowds of others. And all of my shopping will be done through Ebates.
If you have never heard of, or never used, Ebates before, you NEED to sign up. Last year my check was close to $100 for just my Christmas shopping. The deals and specials are awesome at this time of year! I love getting paid to shop online. (and they track coupons and sales for you. One stop shop.)
I haven't been hit with 'nesting'. I think this is partly due to the fact that I have tendencies similar to nesting every weekend. I love to clean my house. I love to vacuum, dust, organize and make it smell good. Drives J batty sometimes when I'm pulling the vacuum out for the third time in a week - but it's my stress reliever.
J and I are working on a fun new house project this weekend! I can't wait to show you next week. We've been slowing down with projects so we could focus on getting ready for baby. Now that we've checked the last item off our 'to do' list, we are excited to get back to house projects!!
Linking up
September Farm
Farmers Wife
A Blonde Ambition
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
37 Weeks - Full Term!!
Baby size: Baby weighs around 6 1/2 pounds and is close to 19 inches long!
Baby's progress: Baby is sucking their thumb and practicing grabbing their nose and toes. BabyWigs is also practicing their breathing.
Weight gain: 15 pounds
Stretch marks: Still in the clear!! Morning is Burt's Bee's Mama Bee's and evening is Burt's Bee's vitamin E oil.
Sleep: Still good! I'm honestly shocked how well I'm sleeping. I wake a few times at night to readjust, but I'm able to fall right back to sleep.
Gender: We'll find out in a few more weeks!
Movement: Rolling, whole body movement and lots of feet pushing against my side. I love it :)
Best moment this week: Our home is decorated for Christmas and we spend our evenings curled up on the couch watching Christmas movies. *swoon*
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!! It's my favorite holiday and I cannot wait for all of the food and a Cowboy win!!
Food cravings: Salad with vinaigrette dressing and sunflower seeds. That's all I want, everyday.
Belly Button - In or Out: It's mostly flat now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On
Labor signs: Still irregular Braxton Hicks.
What I miss: Salami and cheese sandwiches. Red wine while watching Christmas movies.
Symptoms: Irregular Braxton Hicks, increase in body temperature, dancing belly!
Workouts: This is slowing down. I still try to lift some weights in the evenings and walk as much as I can.
Things that suck: I have reached a point where I am no longer able to do as much as I used to. It's humbling realizing that I need to depend on J to handle some of my usual chores. He's such a trooper, that man of mine.
Things that don't suck: We have finished our prep work for baby. Now I'm less anxious and more excited for their arrival! Three weeks or so!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
A Letter to my Child - Part 2
Dear Love bug,
It's almost time to meet you! I am so scared and anxious about going into labor. What calms me down and gets me through the scary thoughts are knowing that I'll get to hold you in the end.
You are getting so big! Your feet press up against my sides and I love rubbing them. Sometimes during the day I forget I'm pregnant until you roll over and remind me that you are still growing inside. I love it when you dance for us in the evenings. When I crawl into bed and get ready for sleep you love to start dancing for your daddy and me. You move your arms and legs and shake your back up against my stomach. Your daddy and I play the 'What Part is This?' game with you. I think you have him fooled most of the time ;)
We are ready for you. I have your pack n'play set up right next to me in the bedroom and I check it every time I wake up. I cannot wait to see you lying there. You are SO loved and SO wanted. I pray that you'll take your time to finish growing and show up exactly when you want to.
Your daddy is so excited to meet you. He has been preparing for you big arrival since I told him the exciting news that you were growing inside me. I catch him sitting in your room, rocking in the chair, waiting for you. You will be his best friend. He will teach you how to catch and throw just about every kind of ball. He's already talking about taking you golfing, camping, hiking and biking. No matter what, we will always be by your side, cheering you on in whatever activity you choose to do.
You will in our arms and forever in our hearts. We love you so much love bug. I cannot wait to meet you.
Your daddy is so excited to meet you. He has been preparing for you big arrival since I told him the exciting news that you were growing inside me. I catch him sitting in your room, rocking in the chair, waiting for you. You will be his best friend. He will teach you how to catch and throw just about every kind of ball. He's already talking about taking you golfing, camping, hiking and biking. No matter what, we will always be by your side, cheering you on in whatever activity you choose to do.
You will in our arms and forever in our hearts. We love you so much love bug. I cannot wait to meet you.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Friday 5
J snapped a candid last week when I was getting ready for my bump photo. Holy Moly that bump is getting big!
J snapped a candid last week when I was getting ready for my bump photo. Holy Moly that bump is getting big!
And yes, I did put the dress over leggings and boots. There's a reason I crop the weekly photos! ;) |
That photo up above? All I can see is the horrible bathroom counter top, sink and back splash. With the guest bath 95% done, I'm itching to start on ours. Someone remind me of this insanity in two months when I have a newborn.
I confess that Christmas is going up this weekend. I know, I KNOW!! My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and I HATE decorating before, but with BabyWigs due within two weeks of Thanksgiving, I don't want to risk it this year. Please excuse the plethora of Christmas decor photos coming to an instagram near you.
The Sorel boots were purchased earlier this week. With freezing temperatures, snow and ice, J wanted me to have reliable boots (especially since I have a baby on board).
My Black Friday shopping list has just about doubled in size. I've started filling up my virtual shopping cart at Target with last minute baby items and home decor. I can't wait to click buy!
Linking up
September Farm
Farmers Wife
A Blonde Ambition

That photo up above? All I can see is the horrible bathroom counter top, sink and back splash. With the guest bath 95% done, I'm itching to start on ours. Someone remind me of this insanity in two months when I have a newborn.
I confess that Christmas is going up this weekend. I know, I KNOW!! My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and I HATE decorating before, but with BabyWigs due within two weeks of Thanksgiving, I don't want to risk it this year. Please excuse the plethora of Christmas decor photos coming to an instagram near you.
The Sorel boots were purchased earlier this week. With freezing temperatures, snow and ice, J wanted me to have reliable boots (especially since I have a baby on board).
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Sorel Caribou Boots |
I confess the last winter/utility boots I ever received was around 8th grade. So I'm good with getting these babies a bit before Christmas ;)
My Black Friday shopping list has just about doubled in size. I've started filling up my virtual shopping cart at Target with last minute baby items and home decor. I can't wait to click buy!
Linking up
September Farm
Farmers Wife
A Blonde Ambition
Thursday, November 13, 2014
That Whole Capsule Thing
Back in August I mentioned that I was on a closet purge inspired by The Un-Fancy Blog. Every week I'd take another item or two out of my closet that I just couldn't see myself wearing anymore. Either it never fit well, I hadn't worn it in years, or it just really wasn't my 'size'. After a few months of this, my closet has been picked through pretty well, but I still have a lot of clothes.
What I have parted with is going one of three places: Good Samaritan, Twice and ThredUp. Twice and ThredUp are online consignment stores that buy and sell brand name, gently used clothing. I've had lots of success with selling and buying from both of them and highly recommend them!
What I have parted with is going one of three places: Good Samaritan, Twice and ThredUp. Twice and ThredUp are online consignment stores that buy and sell brand name, gently used clothing. I've had lots of success with selling and buying from both of them and highly recommend them!
But the still stuffed closet? This is partly due to the fact I have no idea what size or shape I'll be after this baby has arrived and partly due to the fact that maternity items are mixed in. I don't want to part with items I really do love because "they may not fit again". I also am a big fan of the concept - if you love it, buy multiples. My thought is if I really do love an item, I'll wear it often. If I have two of the same, they won't wear as quickly, and I'll have the option to wear it twice in one week ;) Not a single item that was put in the purge pile was a duplicate.
Those duplicate items? They are all staples. Items I wear every single week, both for work and play.
White or black Merona V-Necks from Target (a score at $10!) I also kept every v-neck in other colors. They wash and wear so well.
Black Dress Pants from the Limited. I did get rid of a few pairs that I bought in 2006 and were a size too small. I have both the Drew and Cassidy fits and I'm not sure what fit will be more appropriate after baby, so I kept all of them in the appropriate size. Just a side note - I haven't bought a pair since 2011 and they all still look brand new.
Winnie Pants from J. Crew Factory. Granted, I think I won't ever fit into them again after baby :( I'll probably need a size larger, but they are my favorite dress pants Spring - Fall. So worth the investment.
I also couldn't part with any of my jeans (because they all fit pre-baby) or any of my blazers and most cardigans. I love to layer, especially at work, because I tend to run cold. It is also one of the fastest ways to change up an outfit without having to change everything. Going from work to a dinner date? I'll quick take off the blazer and throw on a scarf and cardigan and feel like I'm wearing a whole new outfit.
HOWEVER, and this is a BIG however, I've spent the last three years being very conscious of my wardrobe spending. I've been focusing on better quality pieces that will stand the test of time. I look for classic cuts, quality fabrics and a quality brand. (Yes, I did buy some cheap maternity items because I know this is a season of life that ends quickly and I won't be wearing maternity clothes all year/every year. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on wardrobe supplements that would only be in my closet for 4 or 5 months. I'm still wearing most all non-maternity clothes!)
My next step is to go through everything that is left and sort it by 'Maybe, Baby' and 'Stands the Test of Time.' The items in the 'Maybe, Baby' pile will be questionable items that I think won't fit again or sizes that have me on the fence. Those items will be moved to one side so when I'm able to start trying them on again, I'll be able to purge or keep.
At this time, I haven't even touched my drawers. I have plenty of 'lounge' clothes that I'm refusing to part with for the foreseeable future. My next 4 months will be at home with a new baby and the more lounge clothes I have, the less laundry I have to do while I adjust to life as a new mom! I know there are quite a few items that really should see the trash can, but I think I can hold out a few months until I have a handle on this whole Mom thing. (Also, if I wear it and it needs to see the trash, it can head there once it's dirty. Multi-tasking at it's finest!)
I may not ever make it to the "30 items per season" like the Capsule Wardrobe aspires too. I love my fashion and love to mix and match to pull new outfits together. I have a private board on Pinterest that I will put outfit ideas I want to try for that week and I've put many new outfits together from using this method!
Now I just need to start on the husband's side......
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
36 Weeks - 9 Months!
Baby size: Almost 6 pounds and between 18-20 inches
Baby's progress: Baby is shedding their downy covering of hair and vernix caseosa (waxy substance that has covered them for the past nine months)
Weight gain: Still holding at 15 pounds
Stretch marks: Still in the clear. Morning is Burt's Bee's Mama Bee's and evening is Burt's Bee's vitamin E oil.
Sleep: Still good! I'm honestly shocked how well I'm sleeping. One or two potty breaks at night, but otherwise nothing to complain about. I even took a nap on Saturday and Sunday.
Gender: Check back in December!
Movement: Baby moves ALL DAY LONG. When I get up at night I rarely feel them kick or squirm until morning. Let's hope that means they are on a sleeping schedule like mine already ;)
Best moment this week: Girls night on Friday! It was so fun to go shopping and then have an impromptu dinner with Kris. I picked up a fun pair of holiday leggings to wear after baby arrives!
Looking forward to: Spending the weekend prepping for Thanksgiving! We are hosting again this year and I want to make sure everything is done WELL in advance so that I'm not rushed or stressed the day of :)
Food cravings: Food aversion is back in full force. The only thing that sounds good is salad or Thanksgiving fixings.
Belly Button - In or Out: "Turkey timer" popped months ago.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On
Labor signs: Still irregular braxton hicks. I did have one painful contraction on Sunday night, but I attribute it to dehydration, nothing more. One bottle of water later and I felt great again.
What I miss: Salami and cheese sandwiches. Red wine while watching Christmas movies.
Symptoms: Irregular Braxton Hicks, increase in body temperature, dancing belly!
Workouts: Just walking. I really need to do more of my stretches and light weights. I feel so much better when I do.
Things that suck: My ability to get in and out of bed without a step stool.
Things that don't suck: My body temperature has finally risen! I'm usually perpetually cold. Freezing fingers and toes, space heater all winter at work, layers and blankets in front of the fire place when it's 40 degrees outside. Now? The 20 degree weather feels heavenly and I comfortable with the work temperature. Hallelujah for cold weather! Couldn't have timed it better myself. Haha.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Friday 5
The hospital bag is packed. The car seat is ready to go and our bedroom is set up for the new baby. I, however, am still OK with this little nugget staying put for 5 more weeks. No one over here is wishing this pregnancy would end soon!!
I'm getting a cold :( Or just some bad allergies. But there is NOTHING worse than sneezing 20 x's a day in your third trimester. I'm sure you other momma's understand! Haha
35 weeks and still wearing heels. I'm thinking I can make it the whole 40 (as long as they are still comfortable)
Jand I discussed Christmas presents the other night. He veto'd everyone of my ideas! He said they were all 'too practical' and I should get them anytime, not just Christmas.
Top of my list right now:
J told me he ordered my "Push Present"!! (God Bless the man that understands this gift giving concept, am I right?) I cannot wait to see what it is!!!
Linking up
September Farm
Farmers Wife
Five on Friday Gals
I'm getting a cold :( Or just some bad allergies. But there is NOTHING worse than sneezing 20 x's a day in your third trimester. I'm sure you other momma's understand! Haha
35 weeks and still wearing heels. I'm thinking I can make it the whole 40 (as long as they are still comfortable)
Jand I discussed Christmas presents the other night. He veto'd everyone of my ideas! He said they were all 'too practical' and I should get them anytime, not just Christmas.
Top of my list right now:
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Sorel Caribou Boots |
Which apparently we'll be picking up BEFORE Christmas because they are 'necessary' for Montana. So.....any Christmas gift ideas?
J told me he ordered my "Push Present"!! (God Bless the man that understands this gift giving concept, am I right?) I cannot wait to see what it is!!!
Linking up
September Farm
Farmers Wife
Five on Friday Gals
Thursday, November 6, 2014
BabyWigs' Baby Shower
Joslyn did an amazing job. AMAZING! It was just what I was looking for - low key and refined. I'm not a big fan of 'cutesy' so I wanted decorations that could last for the rest of the season and I could even reuse next year.
I forgot to take photos at all. All courtesy of Josyln.
Since Joslyn was flying in from Nebraska, it made sense to hold the shower at our house. It also made clean up a breeze!
The Menu consisted of:
Golden Punch
Coffee Bar
Pumpkin Whip Dip with
Graham Crackers, Wafers, and Gingersnaps
Cinnamon Roll Waffles
Various cookies
Cheesy Potato Soup and Bread
BabyWigs was so blessed by the amazing women who came over to celebrate them. I cannot wait for him/her to meet everyone!
Especially these two:
These two are some of the best ladies I know.
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