Friday, October 26, 2018

Five on Friday - End of October

This week has flown by.  I've been under the weather with a mild cold and I took the day off yesterday to get some rest.  Coughing all night plus nursing a baby equals major lack of sleep.

Of course, once the cold meds kicked in I decided to get a jump start on my cleaning for the weekend :)  My big weekend plans are sweat pants, coffee, blankets, and at least one nap.  What do you have planned?

Here are some of my favorite cozy items for a chilly day:

I have a pair from Lands End, but I am so hard on my slippers I need a new pair every year.  While I love the ones I have, I have my eye on these:

Flannel Pajamas

I used to love the Dreamer Flannel PJ's from Victoria's Secret, but they've changed.  Now they're "The Flannel" ?  I'm not sure if they're the same.

The Dreamer's were perfect.  Lightweight flannel, fun prints, and come in long lengths :)

Extra Tall Ceramic Mugs
I think my superpower is that I never have to reheat my coffee.

 Those who truly know me are not surprised at all that
1. They are white
2. There's no design

Hello, I'm Laura and I'm boring.

Knit Throw Blankets
I'm a sucker for a sweater/knit blanket.


This weekend I'm making Chili, Buffalo Chicken Dip, and Baked Potato Soup.

Happy Halloween weekend!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Hair Affair

There's been a lice breakout at #wiggydiggy's school.

This is the second one this month.  UGH.
By breakout, I mean more than one child has been sent home with confirmed lice.

The first breakout included FOUR CLASSROOMS.  FOUR!  This breakout is just #wiggydiggy's class and the adjoining class (they share a great room).
I'm terrified of lice.

We've been checking him after his bath every night and school has been checking every morning and so far, we've been in the clear.  However, I knew that on Monday, he played with, wrestled, and hugged the child who was sent home on Tuesday.
So we shaved his head.

I'd rather be sad over his bald head for a few weeks instead of treating lice!
He LOVES his haircut (because he looks like Daddy) and was so excited to show it off at school today.

I'm going to miss his thick head of hair and his super cute haircut for a little while.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Rug Update

Pantry/Laundry Runner

For the rugs from RugsUSA, I purchased the rug pads from them.  Other rug pads are from Amazon.

All photos taken on my (dying) iphone.  Man the quality is poop these days.
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Monday, October 15, 2018

#biggywigs - 5 Months

#biggywigs | 5 MONTHS

nicknames | Big Boy, Chunky Moneky, Monkey, baby

weight | I'm guessing 21 pounds and 27" long

size | I can tell you are getting longer, but not putting as much weight on.  You are in size 4 diapers and wear 18 month clothes.  The legs and arms are a big long, but you need the torso length and your delicious chunky thighs need the leg room :)

sleep | 
Pretty decent.  You sleep a solid 5-6 hours each night, then nurse every 3 hours after that until morning.   If i'm lucky I'll get an 8 hour stretch!  I did sleep train you on your naps this month.  You used to sleep in your mamaroo or car seat, but I made an effort to start putting you in your crib for naps.  I don't have plans to move you from our room at night....yet.

eats | Still 100% breast milk.  This month I'm going to start introducing food to you.  You seem interested in everything I'm eating, so this will be fun!!

loves |  You love being held by mama and playing with your big brother.   Anything you can shove in your mouth is your favorite activity.  You get so angry if you can't fit it in!  Your favorite toy is your snail.

dislikes |  You hate being tired.  You also hate being hungry.  You don't like being in a car seat if the car is parked and you don't like other babies crying.

firsts |  Not really a whole lot this month.  We took family pictures the day before you turned 5 months old, went to a birthday party, and moved you into your convertible car seat.  You found your feet, and try to eat them at every opportunity.  You also try SO HARD to sit up.

Momma |  You at such a snuggle bug!  I love cuddling up to you at night when you're nursing and I just breathe in your delicious smell.  You are so animated these days!  All of your facial expressions, noises and giggles are the soundtrack my day is set too.  Your big brother is your favorite person and you love when he comes to play with you.  I am so happy you're the final piece of our family's puzzle.  You fit completely.

Daddy |  
You are 5 months old today!!  You are growing like a weed lengthwise.  Seeing you in 18 month clothes is insane.  You are so happy and your laugh is amazing!  Although it seems only Mommy and #wiggydiggy can get you to fully laugh.  I love making eye contact with you and seeing your big smile light up your face.  It makes my day!  it has been so fun watching you grow and I can’t wait to see all the fun new things you will be doing/learning this next month as you continue to grow and develop.  I love you so much son!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Weekend in photos

We are quickly wrapping up the flooring!  WOO!

Justin had Monday off (thanks Columbus) and he spent the day putting our baseboard trim in.  He still has a bit to do, but it looks so good.

Saturday morning #biggywigs and I ran a few errands.
First up was to a girlfriends house to drop some baby clothes off.
My 4 1/2 month old is handing down size 12 month clothes to her 11 month old.
Please stop growing #biggywigs
She treated us to some homemade goodies!!
The pumpkin roll and sugar cookies were gone in less than 24 hours.  DELICIOUS.

After naps, we headed off to #wiggydiggy's best friends birthday party. 

Sunday we had a blast at church.  I volunteered in the nursery and it was a baby haven!  All 4 month old boys too :)
Then we came home and cleaned the house. #boring
I'd say we're about 90% done.  We still have some rugs and furniture coming from Wayfair and Overstock.  I cannot wait to take photos of the finished product.

Now I just need to decide what light fixtures and fans I want.  Decisions, decisions.

Happy Tuesday!

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Friday, October 5, 2018

5 on Friday - Beauty Product Update

Over the past few years I've written about things I love, or new products I'm trying.

I'm always curious if other bloggers are still using their recommended products months and even years down the road.

My first Friday Faves from 2015:
I still love They're Real Mascara, but I've been buying L'Oreal Paris Voluminous Mascara because it's cheap and I love how it makes my lashes look.

I stopped using Coconut oil as a face wash (even though I loved how it made my skin feel and look).  A plumber friend was over working on our pipes and mentioned that he's had a lot of jobs cleaning out bathroom sinks from the 'coconut glob'.  I quit cold turkey.

Instead I wash my face with my Make Up Remover Cloth (or it's dupe) at night before starting my routine.  In the morning I use Cetaphil Face Soap


So far, I'm enjoying it!  I do feel like my complexion is brighter, but that's the only thing I've noticed so far.  I hope to see some improvement in fine lines here soon ;)

Everything from this post.

My favorite dry Shampoo is Klorane, but that price....ouch.
I'll stick with Batiste for everyday use and save my Klorane for special occasions.


Two dentist appointments post starting quip usage, and they are amazed at the state of my teeth.  At my last cleaning the hygienist said "what are you doing?! You barely have ANY plaque."
My dentist looked up their website while I was there and ordered her own!  She loves her electric toothbrush, but the replacement head cost was more than a year's worth of replacement heads and batteries from quip.

If you like electric toothbrushes, or you're in the market for a new brush, I cannot recommend quip enough.  Both consumer and dentist approved :)

*this includes my referral link, where I can get $5 of a refill.*

Happy Friday!


Thursday, October 4, 2018


Making: Chicken Tikka in the crockpot.  I'm hoping the new simmer sauce I found is delicious!
I miss The Oven.

Drinking: Water.  Water.  And more water.

Reading: A Textbook for a test I'm studying for.

Wanting: my house clean and furniture put back!

Watching: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.
I don't watch much, but I do unwind with at least one episode before bed.

Listening: I made a playlist for #wiggydiggy.

Baby Shark do do, doo do do do

Wishing: for the perfect skinny jeans.
I have my eye on these.  And these.  Fingers crossed I like one of them!

Enjoying: the cool fall weather that has arrived!

Loving: watching my big boy in his new gymnastics class.  Seeing my baby every day to nurse at lunch. #family

Hoping: that I can get back into yoga before bed.

Needing: a better nursing bra.

Feeling: tired

Wearing: this new sweater!  I love that it's a dressy sweatshirt so I don't feel bad when it makes a (weekly) appearance at work.


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