Wednesday, February 28, 2018

29 Weeks

  How far along:  29weeks

Baby size:  A bunny rabbit!

Baby's progress:  Baby's head is growing and they are soaking up lots more calcium.

Weight gain:   10 ish pounds

Stretch marks:  None

Sleep: When I'm asleep, it's deep and restful.  However, I'm waking often between needing a potty break and #wiggydiggy's current cough.

Gender: Coming to a hospital near us this May!

Movement:  All the time.  I swear this one kicks MUCH harder than #wiggydiggy ever did.

Bonus Outtake!

Best moment this week: My prenatal massage

Looking forward to:  Family ski Saturday and date night Saturday night.

Food cravings:  Sunny D.  Still.  I'm leaning towards the sweets these days.  Not candy, more like brownies, cookies, donuts.
So I'm counter balancing with more fruit and veggies.
But I want to wash it all down with a big glass of Sunny D!

Belly Button - In or Out:  Half out, half flat

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.  Just not interested in a lot of food.

Wedding Rings - On or Off:  On.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss:  Pilates.  A lot of my spring clothes.

Symptoms: Getting winded.  Big ole' belly.  Finally caved and bought a larger bra.

Workouts: Still squeezing in treadmill time when I can.  I need to up my arm workouts.

Things that suck:  Forgetting how big the belly is and bumping into things.  Like doors, drawers, desks, and people.

Things that don't suck:  MARCH 1st IS TOMORROW!  The countdown is ON!

29 Weeks with #wiggydiggy

Friday, February 23, 2018

Five on Friday

 Temperatures are still below freezing (negative temps at night).
Bump is still growing.
However, I've been feeling very motivated and energized this past week.

My big plan this weekend is to clean out the guest room (again) and organize all of the new baby gear in the nursery.  I also have two boxes full of clothes that need to be sorted - Poshmark, ThredUP, and Goodwill.  Our housekeeper comes on Tuesday and I love for her to be able to get into that room to dust and vacuum.

The One Minute Method

The premise is that if it takes up to One Minute to complete the task, do it now.
I heard about it decades ago and it popped into my head last week when I was feeling overwhelmed (and very very pregnant.)
I've been putting it to use all week and it has made a HUGE difference!
After two days I realized I actually had MORE time in the evenings to do what I wanted and I was spending LESS time cleaning.

Recent Purchase

Pictures from DSW

Now if only the four feet of snow would melt so I can wear them.........

My love affair with Klorane Dry Shampoo is stronger than ever.
It is hands down the best dry shampoo I've used (and I have used almost every kind Ulta carries)
I picked up another travel size from Ulta to keep in my gym bag.
I have a few too many bottles of Batiste under my sink that I need to use up before I splurge on a larger bottle.

Seriously though - if you find it on sale, let me know!

I'm getting really excited to have a spring baby!  After #wiggydiggy was born, we were spoiled with 60 degree weather in January and February while I was on maternity leave.
My little man and I took a mile walk every day in the gorgeous sunshine.
This year we have our back patio opened up, so I plan to spend HOURS outside with my new munchkin.  
Hurry up Spring!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

28 Weeks - Third Trimester!

 How far along:  28 weeks

Baby size:  An Eggplant

Baby's progress:  Baby can recognize our voices

Weight gain:   10 ish pounds - baby is measuring ahead a well.

Stretch marks:  None

Sleep: Ugh.  I can't get comfortable at night so I'm not sleeping well.  I need a nap.

Gender: Coming to a hospital near us this May!

Movement:  Big Movements!  Also, Baby has the hiccups at least twice a day - after breakfast and after dinner.  
I love it :)

Best moment this week: Nice long nap on President's Day.

Looking forward to:  My Prenatal massage next week!

Food cravings:  Sunny D.  Still.  And yes, I know it's basically orange flavored sugar water.  I won't let myself have more than one glass though.

Belly Button - In or Out:  Flat.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Cooking meat

Wedding Rings - On or Off:  On.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss:  Wine, Margaritas, Venti Coffee's, Regular workouts

Symptoms: Getting winded.  Inability to get up from the floor gracefully!  haha.

Workouts: I'm hitting the gym every other day for treadmill time.  I've been slacking on free weights, so my goal is to do a different arm workout every night this week.

Things that suck:  Not being able to get comfortable to sleep.  UGH.

Things that don't suck:  Knowing we are in the final countdown.  I feel like time has FLOWN by, but now it's beginning to slow down.

28 Weeks with #wiggydiggy

Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday Favorites

 I know I've said this before.
Holy Buckets was January ROUGH.
It's nice to be back in our regular routine and HEALTHY for a change!

So to keep the tone lighter (versus talking cold remedies while pregnant and what HFM is like as an adult), let's chat about some of my new favorite things!


UGH.  I hate the $20 price tag, but Ipsy sent me a travel size and I fell head over heels in L.O.V.E.
If you ever see it on sale, let me know!  I'll have to stock up.


I don't know why I didn't venture down this road before.  I'm kicking myself for all the years I would have to run home at lunch to put dinner in the crockpot, instead of before work.
With this new crock pot I tend to cut the cooking time down by one hour because it stays on warm until we get home.

Add in crockpot liners and I am in heaven!  Haha.
I use this baby minimum twice a week.


So easy, so healthy, and so dang delicious.
I always forget how easy they are to make.  Why?

Valentine Candy on sale!

I stopped at the grocery store before work today and found the motherlode of Valentine's Candy.
50-70% off Reese's and Ghirardelli?
Please and Thank you.


It's the perfect size for my office.
Bonus, it helps with a bit of humidity too!
I like to buy my diffusing oils from Amazon or TJMaxx.  If I topically apply, I use Young Living most of the time.

Now we are expecting a few more inches of snow this weekend.
After being cooped up for the past month, I'm really ready for some warmer days.

Any good crock pot recipes you want to share? 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

27 Weeks

How far along:  27 weeks

Baby size:  2ish pounds, the size of a head of lettuce

Baby's progress:  Baby's vision is sharpening, as are their movements

Weight gain:   10 ish pounds

Stretch marks:  None

Sleep: Bed time is a firm 8:30.  I'm sleeping well, only waking once or twice to go potty during the night.

Gender: Coming to a hospital near us this May!

Movement:  So much!  Baby loves to wiggle all day.

Best moment this week: A playdate with #wiggydiggy's best friend and a great gal pal of mine.  Just what we needed after WEEKS of being homebound.

Looking forward to:  My Prenatal massage next week!

Food cravings:  Sunny D!  Ha.  I know it's not *good* for you, but dang, I want to chug a whole bottle at once.

Belly Button - In or Out:  Flat.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Cooking meat

Wedding Rings - On or Off:  On.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach, some of my work clothes

Symptoms: Big belly!  haha.  Sore boobs, getting winded.

Workouts: I have BIG plans to get on a treadmill at least once this week.  I'm taking it slow, but I'm aiming for 100 squats a day.

Things that suck:  Still having some lingering sinus congestion.  I miss Sudafed!

Things that don't suck:  Feeling this precious babe roll around at bedtime.

27 Weeks with #wiggydiggy

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Big Boy Room Part 1

 While we were under quarantine (again...this time due to Hand, Foot, and Mouth) this past weekend, we decided to get the bedroom switch underway.

Originally I had planned to move all of the nursery furniture to the toy room.  We would convert the crib to a toddler bed and buy a new crib and dresser.
That did not happen.

Honestly, I was tired and really didn't want to be without a crib during #wiggydiggy's bed transition.
I did some online shopping and found the cutest twin bed frame on Wayfair.  Then everything else just fell into place!

We (re)painted the walls Chic Gray by Behr.
(the third or fourth and FINAL time we paint this dang room)
Justin ripped out the built in closet shelves, we painted the closet Snowfall by Behr and installed a Closetmaid system.  The bottom section will have drawers, they just haven't come in yet :)

Since this *was* the toy room, I tried to keep the new furniture to a minimum.  Bed and nightstand, that's it.  Everything else was already in the room for toy and book storage.
We moved over #wiggydiggy's artwork and have curtains coming to finish out the space.

Sick boy wanted to be in the room the entire time.  Such a sweetheart.

The *temporary* toy storage during construction.

Bed - Wayfair
Bed Springs - Wayfair
Mattress - Amazon
Nightstand - Target
Cube Storage - Target
Bookshelf - Hand me down
Lamp - Hand me down, shade from Target, old
Closet System - ClosetMaid (also in Home Depot)

Thursday, February 8, 2018

26 Weeks

Holy bump!!

 How far along:  26 weeks
None of my baby apps agree - I'm either 5 months or 6 months, second trimester or third trimester??

Baby size:  a head of kale!

Baby's progress:  baby is listening all the time now.

Weight gain:   10 ish pounds

Stretch marks:  None

Sleep: Getting so much better.  Now that I've turned the corner on this sinus infection, I'm actually getting a solid 8 plus hours.

Gender: Coming to a hospital near us this May!

Movement:  So much!  Baby loves to wiggle all day.

Best moment this week: Putting #wiggydiggy's big boy room together!

Looking forward to:  Rescheduling our anniversary dinner and my birthday dinner :)

Food cravings:  Popsicle's, Cake without icing, Chai Latte's, more Popsicle's .

Belly Button - In or Out:  Flat.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Besides my sinus's?  haha.  Still can't stand meat.

Wedding Rings - On or Off:  On.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach, a nice cold Moscow mule

Symptoms: Big ole' belly!

Workouts: I'm lucky to be back at work.  Hopefully I can get to the gym this week for some treadmill time.

Things that suck:  Sick while pregnant.  The W.O.R.S.T.

Things that don't suck:  #wiggydiggy asking to read the baby a story

26 weeks with #wiggydiggy

Monday, February 5, 2018

25 Weeks

Still playing catch up!  Pray for healthy vibes for us, please.

   How far along:  25 weeks
Please excuse me looking like death....3 weeks of sickness will do that to you.

25 weeks with wiggydiggy!
This bump is definitely bigger now!

Baby size:  1 1/2 pounds and about 13 1/2 inches

Baby's progress:  Growing some hair

Weight gain:   10 pounds.  Hallelujah!

Stretch marks:  None

Sleep: Oh lord, this can come back any day now.  Sinus pain is still keeping me awake.  WAH.

Gender: Coming to a hospital near us this May!

Movement:  Pretty consistent kicks/hits throughout the day. 

Best moment this week: My Birthday!!

Looking forward to:  Some warmer days to help kill these yucky germs

Food cravings:  I'm so sick food still sounds horrible.  I'm forcing myself to eat toast and such.

Belly Button - In or Out:  Half of each.

Anything making you queasy or sick: So much mucus. 

Wedding Rings - On or Off:  On.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach, breathing through my nose, NOT having a headache

Symptoms: Belly shaking from big kicks/hits, waddling to the bathroom

Workouts: Walking from the bed to the couch.  And repeat.

Things that suck:  Sick while pregnant.  6 Dr visits in two weeks and I'm still not over this sinus infection/head cold/crud.  The nurses are so wonderful and keep checking in on baby and me.

Things that don't suck:  Booked my prenatal massage!

Friday, February 2, 2018

24 Weeks

Over a week late because I spent 4 of the 7 days in bed.  Still not healthy yet :(

 How far along:  24 weeks

Baby size:  1 1/3 pound and as long as an ear of corn!

Baby's progress:  Starting to get tastebuds

Weight gain:   7 pounds.  I'm guessing.  I didn't weight myself at all this week because I'm so sick

Stretch marks:  None

Sleep: Pretty much non-existent due to illness.  I'm so tired, but I can't really lie down without the sinus pressure/pain waking me right back up.

Gender: Coming to a hospital near us this May!

Movement:  Pretty consistent kicks/hits throughout the day. 

Best moment this week: #wiggydiggy wanting to come fix 'broken Mama' by giving me some of his favorite toys and one really long hug.

Looking forward to:  Spring.  I need sunshine and health.

Food cravings:  Nothing.  I had no appetite from being so sick, but Justin was a rockstar and picked up McDonald's one night.  I can't taste anything, but the salt sure made my throat feel good.

Belly Button - In or Out:  Half of each.

Anything making you queasy or sick: So much mucous. 

Wedding Rings - On or Off:  On.

Labor signs: Nope

What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach, breathing through my nose, NOT having a headache

Symptoms: Belly shaking from big kicks/hits, waddling to the bathroom

Workouts: Only if you count my coughing fits....

Things that suck:  Sick while pregnant.  The W.O.R.S.T.  I've seen my Dr. 4 times in the past 5 days and they want to see me again this week to keep an eye on the baby and my symptoms.

Things that don't suck:  Popsicles 

24 Weeks with #wiggydiggy