How far along: 24 weeks
Baby size: A cantaloupe! Or as long as an ear of corn.
Baby's progress: Baby is beginning to fill out and their features are becoming more defined.
Weight gain: 1 pound over pre-pregnancy weight! I am SO excited that I've finally hit some consistent weight gain.
Stretch marks: Still in the clear. I've started adding Burt's Bees vitamin E oil at night too.
Sleep: Still doing well. I very rarely wake up for potty breaks at night, but I can't sleep past 7 AM anymore! I have to go to the bathroom by then.
Gender: Check back in December!
Movement: Big movements! It's fun to watch my stomach jump with a kick or punch from baby.
Best moment this week: In all honesty - my 2 hour nap on Sunday :)
Looking forward to: Our upcoming babymoon!! It's going to be a quick, fast trip. With all of the hard work Justin has been doing at home, he deserves this more than me.
Food cravings: There is nothing that I HAVE to have this VERY minute. I keep waiting for an insane craving to hit. I still lean towards salty food and salads.
Belly Button - In or Out: In, but much shallower.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. My appetite is still small so I try to eat what I'm hungry for as soon as I want it.
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On. Thankfully we never got it re-sized and it's a touch loose.
Labor signs: No and I'm hoping they stay away for at least the next 13 weeks.
What I miss: Nothing really. I feel great, my mood is upbeat and I'm loving being pregnant.
Symptoms: This big bump! I keep forgetting that it's there and I'm running into things!
Workouts: Still walking every day and squeezing in a routine in the evenings. I hope when it cools off some more Justin and I can get back into some (easy) hiking.
Things that suck: My need to slow down. We have so much going on, I want to help out more!
Things that don't suck: My mood (still upbeat and happy!!) and laying in bed with Justin listening to him talk to the baby. Melt my heart. I didn't know I could love him this much.
And a fun comparison:
And a fun comparison:

you look great! thank you for the tip on my bumpdate today about the clothes! :)
ReplyDeleteLove the dress, I have the same one and it's so comfy! Glad you are feeling better and you look great.