How far along: 18 weeks
Baby size: 5 1/5 inches and over 6 oz!
Baby's progress: Baby is practicing swallowing and this is the time that baby is noticeably a boy or a girl!
Weight gain: It's fluctuating still. I've hit my pre-pregnancy weight a few more times and it stays a bit longer.
** I had a great chat with my Dr and Nurse. I'm eating MUCH healthier and working out more than I did before I was pregnant. Cutting out junk food, soda and beer and adding in exercise has been the main contributor to my lack of weight gain. The baby and I are very healthy so no one is worried**
Stretch marks: Nada. I'm loving my Mama Bee's by Burts Bees.
Sleep: Bedtime is still early and I'm not going to complain. However I'm waking up hungry and with hip pain.
Gender: We aren't finding out :)
Movement: It's still sporadic, but the movements vary from flutters to all out kicks. It's amazing!!
Best moment this week: Laying in bed with Justin trying to feel the baby move. He is the best.
Looking forward to: Vacation coming up!
Food cravings: So hit and miss. I'm still suffering from food aversion, but I'm eating more at mealtimes.
Belly Button - In or Out: In, but much shallower!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smell of cooking meat isn't pleasant.
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On. Thankfully we never got it re-sized and it's a touch loose.
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: So many things. And so many people. Being pregnant two states away from friends can be hard.
Symptoms: Hip pain! Ouch!!
Workouts: Walks at work, and home workouts with weights. Justin and I have plans to get back to the gym next week and we've started evening walks to help with my hip pain.
Things that suck: Sitting. Tailbone pain and hip pain are not fun, but walking lots keeps the pain at bay.
Things that don't suck: Not having to 'suck it in' this summer! haha. I love my bump!

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