How far along: 17 weeks
size: 5
oz and 5 inches!
progress: Baby's
skeleton is getting harder.
Weight gain: It's fluctuating.
I hit my pre-pregnancy weight over the weekend, only to drop back down.
It was nice to see the numbers climbing!
marks: Nada.
I'm loving my Mama Bee's. I've used the Burt's Bee's Vitamin E oil
for years but the lotion goes on so much quicker.
Sleep: Bedtime is still
early and waking up is hard to do. I make Justin wake me up when he comes
to bed so I can go potty one more time.
Gender: We aren't finding out
noticing it more and more. It's so fun to sit and try to decipher what
body part is moving. Even more, I love when Justin will put his hand on
my belly to try and feel some movement.
Best moment this
week: Receiving a
maternity dress from my mother-in-law. It is just my style and I know
I'll be wearing dresses all this summer.
forward to: And
extended weekend and time to work on the nursery.
Food cravings: So hit and miss.
I'm still suffering from slight food aversion. I was craving
Qdoba the other night and make my bowl with nothing I've ever ordered in it
before! It was DELICIOUS. I only have about 2/3rds but that's
better than my two bites!
Button - In or Out: In
making you queasy or sick: Smell of cooking meat
isn't pleasant.
Rings - On or Off: On. Thankfully we never got it re-sized and it's a
touch loose.
signs: Nope
I miss: Nothing really this
Symptoms: Had to buy a new bra.
Only bought one, but I think when we head to Cheyenne for vacation, I'll
treat myself to another one.
Workouts: Still taking two
walks a day at work (weather permitting) and weighted arm exercises.
that suck: Seriously
- not having an appetite. It's a struggle to force myself to eat.
Things that don't suck: Putting on
regular clothes and Justin and I getting a laugh at how funny I look. My
bump has definitely changed my wardrobe :)

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