How far along: 19 weeks
Baby size: 6 inches and 8 1/2 oz!
Baby's progress: Baby's sensory development is booming!!
Weight gain: 0 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope, and I hope it stays that way
Sleep: Justin wakes me up when he comes to bed so I can use the restroom. Nightly potty breaks are here to stay.
Gender: Check back in December!
Movement: It's still sporadic, but the movements vary from flutters to all out kicks. It's amazing!!
Best moment this week: Nursery trim, doors and furniture is put together. Now onto decorating.
Looking forward to: Vacation and our Ultrasound NEXT WEEK!!
Food cravings: Ugh. Food. Still gross. Seriously, things I don't have to chew are going down the easiest. Smoothies, ice cream, yogurt, etc. Who doesn't like chewing?
Belly Button - In or Out: In, but much shallower.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm still a bit queasy when it comes to meal time. This food aversion can end ANY DAY NOW.
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On. Thankfully we never got it re-sized and it's a touch loose.
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: Mac and Cheese, Vodka Soda, Salami, White Wine, Hot Dogs, Steak (sensing a theme here?)
Symptoms: More nighttime potty breaks
Workouts: Walks at work and home in the evenings and home workouts with weights.
Things that suck: Excessive burping. Seriously so unladylike. Cue the tears! Oh my poor husband. Sobbing at TV shows has been hilarious after the fact.

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