Baby size: A coconut or pineapple! Over 3 pounds and 16 inches
Baby's progress: Baby is plumping up and moving all of the time.
Weight gain: 10 pounds
Stretch marks: Still in the clear. Morning is Burt's Bee's Mama Bee's and evening is Burt's Bee's vitamin E oil.
Sleep: There are a lot more interruptions at night, so I'm combating the loss of sleep with an earlier bedtime. Seems to be working well so far.
Gender: 9 more weeks until we find out!!!
Movement: All of the time. Lots of rolls, kicks, punches and hiccups. Love the baby hiccups!
Best moment this week: Spending time with Justin picking out Carroll gear for BabyWigs. He is SO excited that it just makes my heart hurt from happiness.
Looking forward to: I'm headed out of town for a work conference and I plan to float in the pool every night. I also finalized our outfits for maternity pictures - coming up soon!!
Food cravings: I had my first legit craving on Thursday night. It was ridiculous and I got a good laugh about it the next morning. I was almost in tears because I wanted a doughnut at 930 at night and there was no where to get one that late at night. I dreamt about doughnuts and satisfied my craving at breakfast Friday morning.
Belly Button - In or Out: Mostly out, but it looks flush with the rest of my stomach most of the time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Wedding Rings - On or Off: On.
Labor signs: No ma'am!
What I miss: Going more than 30 minutes between potty breaks during the day! Haha.
Symptoms: Baby is LOW which means bathroom breaks are much more frequent. Otherwise, everything is two thumbs up!
Workouts: Lots of walks and workouts at home.
Things that suck: Less and less is fitting :(

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